What are the students doing? 

Que font les élèves ?

This week is featuring French LOTE and the Grade 2 binome classes

Nous aimons apprendre et comprendre. Nous comptons, nous parlons et nous dessinons.


Toc Toc Toc Tortue, Toc Toc Toc, Tortue, sors ta tête, sors ta tête ! Toc Toc Toc Tortue, sors ta tête il ne pleut plus, le soleil est revenu !



Rhythm is very proud of his Tour Eiffel !


1/2 students are working hard on creating their own role-play!


Brainstorming the topic of friendship!


In 5/6 earlier this year, students were proud to speak in French at assembly and introduce themselves in French.


A group of 5-6 students rick-rolled their peers at assembly in French!


At the start of every class we practise writing our own full sentences to describe photos of places where French is spoken.


From the Grade 2 binome classes / Des classes binomes en CE1

Les élèves de CE1 ont travaillé sur les différences entre l’école d’avant et l’école de maintenant. Une partie de ce projet a inclus découvrir des photos de  l’artiste Robert Doisneau, les décrire, donner nos impressions, et recréer les photos façon CJC 2022 ! 


Student have studied the differences between school today and the olden days.  As part of the project, they discovered photographs from the artist Robert Doisneau.  They had to describe, interpret and recreate the photographs in a 2022 CJC version.