Junior School


Our Prep students have settled well into school life at Weeden Heights. Mrs Lee and Mrs Michalski have been very impressed with how well the students have performed in the Literacy and Numeracy testing that has been occurring on Wednesdays.  It is wonderful to know that parents are reading to their children at night time and many students are also starting school with a vast amount of oral language and Mathematical knowledge.  This has really set the students up for success as they embark on their school journey!


Just a reminder to parents to please ensure you are encouraging your child to pack their bag in the morning, get themselves dressed independently and eat a healthy breakfast as well as  fill their drink bottle up (water) and put their own shoes on.   These skills are vital to developing a child’s independence and greatly assist them to manage their learning and personal care throughout the day.


Starting at school is very tiring for young children and we need to be mindful to ensure that students are getting enough sleep. For a child who is in Prep; around 10 hours of sleep is recommended, so please factor this into your night time routine.  Many students are entering the classroom in the mornings claiming they are tired before the day has even begun.


Most students are coming with healthy food in their lunch boxes. Brain break (healthy snack food opportunity) are often offered in the morning sessions and the teachers are always encouraging students to identify healthy food choices and eat their healthy food in their lunch box before eating special treats. It would be very helpful if parents can assist this process by ensuring students are sent with 1-2 healthy food items in their lunch boxes each day.