School Uniform

Policy Implementation

We are a school that expects that all students are in uniform and they take pride in how they present.  We have created a range of uniform options that are comfortable, durable and affordable.  They take into account the range of activities that students participate in and ensure the meet occupational health and safety guidelines.  School uniform creates a level playing field among students and removes the visual signs of cliques and in groups.


Working with adolescents we know they will always try and push boundaries and school uniform is one of the areas where this occurs.  As a result we monitor uniform daily.  When out of uniform students should to report to the Assistant Principal's offices before home group where they will be issued with a pass. 


Life is hectic and busy and we understand that on the odd occasion a student may not have access to a particular piece of uniform.  Where this is the case we ask parents to provide a written note explaining this.  Students who have a note will be given a uniform pass which they show to teachers when asked.    Students who do not have a note from home will be given a pass and will also receive a lunchtime detention for 30 minutes that day.  Students who fail to show up for that detention will have an after school detention on Friday afternoon until 3:50pm

Shoes, socks, dresses and hoodies

There has been a lot of questions and clarification about shoe requirements for school but just in case some are still unsure the following is what is required:

  • All black
  • Low heeled
  • Lace Up
  • Full Leather Upper including tongue

Students must also have white socks.  We often laugh, our neighbouring schools that have black socks have ongoing battles with students who wear white sock whilst we have the reverse.  White socks can be purchased in bulk in discount stores like Kmart, Target, Big W and Best and Less.


Girls dresses and skirts should be no shorter than midway on the thigh.  Any shorter than this and their movement will be restricted which may impact on their ability to fully access learning.


The school has a number of warmer options for students on cooler days. There is no reason for a student to wear a hoodie to school.


Catherine Ford and Shane Kruger

Assistant Principals