I am organised 

Morning Routine

It has been fantastic to see the children  taking responsibility for their own belongings and being organised and ready to start the school day. Thank you for your support with encouraging this



The morning routine involves -

1.      Bring in school bags, find locker and unpack bag.

2.     Put water bottles away.            

3. Place readers into returns box and put  book bag into the box/basket.               

4. Return any library books into the library box & any lunch orders or office notes into plastic tubs.

5. Sign in for the day.

6. Choose a Discovery Time activity. 

Bell Times


Yard Duty commences daily at 8:30am.

Students should not be in the yard without parent supervision before this time.


8:40- preparation bell

Doors will open at 8:40am on Assembly Fridays only. However, we will be working towards having independent mornings. 


8:50- school bell

Doors will open at 8:50 and learning commences. 

Roll books are marked between 8:50-9:10am. If your child is entering the classroom after this time, they will need to be signed in at the front office and will be marked late.


10:40am-11:10am Recess


12:50pm Eating time


1pm - 1:30pm Lunch


3:10pm Dismissal