leading the way

Student Leadership Camp

Alison Sanza

Student Leadership


At the beginning of every year, the Student Leaders are accompanied by staff on  a two day leadership camp at The Summit in Trafalgar East.


The 2019 student leadership structure consists of 2 School Captains and 6 Leaders (two School Engagement Leaders, two School Learning Leaders and two School Events Leaders), thirteen School Area Representatives  and twelve Year Level Representatives.


Camp provides an opportunity for this large and diverse group of individuals to enjoy activities which strongly focus on team-building, problem-solving and the development of leadership skills.  It is always exciting for staff to watch the group step up to the challenges of being part of a team – planning for success, championing each others’ strengths and encouraging each other throughout activities.  Along the way,  the students can achieve significant personal goals as well as sharing in the triumphs of the whole team’s effort.


Whether it was completing a walk over the skybridge (at 60metres high suspended over a lake) or crawling through the mudpit (for the endurance challenge),  each student faced the activities with optimism, persistence and resilience.  For their commitment and perseverance they were all rewarded with the praise, encouragement and support of their team.


The Leaders took time to discuss their leadership goals for 2019 and consider the pathway to achieving success as a group.  While delivering standard projects this year (such as charity fundraising), they hope to also introduce new ideas and projects and have committed to working collaboratively to enrich the learning environment at Brunswick Secondary College.


Caroline Hart

Student Wellbeing Coordinator

Leadership Camp saw our students plunged into a variety of mental and physical activities.  All the students  invested  a lot of effort in order to get the most out of the experience. Camp is a great way to ‘break the ice’ while having some serious fun! Spending time getting to know each other better, sharing their experiences and offering their ideas showed a solid start to a busy year.  There is no doubt that the students  have great enthusiasm for the roles that they have taken on this year! 

To see the team covered in mud, tackling rope challenges, crawling out of trapdoors and  scaling great heights,  just click on the Gallery to enlarge photographs!