Year 10
Year 10 to Year 11 Transition Update
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I would like to update you on the transition program for 2020 – 2021. We have been working closely with St Bede’s to ensure the transition process continues with as little disruption as possible.
There are several transition dates and evenings scheduled over the next few months. Those dates will not change. However, the format of the information nights will. St Bede’s will contact families about the digital format of the information night and the school tour. They will also provide details on enrolment packs and procedures.
To prepare for the transition into Year 11, students will need to complete their Subject Selection and Pathway booklets. They can access these in their One Note folder. The booklets will help them identify potential career pathways and interests. Using this information, they will design a subject plan for Year 11 and 12. This includes both VCE and VCAL pathway options. The boys will discuss their results with their Homeroom teacher before the subject selection interviews.
I have included the list of transition dates for your reference. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
Tuesday 26
St Bede’s enrolment information evening – cancelled
(Digital information will be provided)
Friday 5
St Bede’s Year 11, 2021 enrolment applications due
Friday 26
St Bede’s enrolment offers posted home
Wednesday 15
St Bede’s VCE/VCAL information evening
Thursday 23
St James VCE/VCAL subject selection interviews
Friday 7
St Bede’s final date for enrolment acceptance
Friday 7
St Bede’s final date for submission of subject selections online
Justin Shepherd
Year 10 Coordinator