Online Learning at

St James College

Online Learning at St James College: Statement

St James College aspires to quality education by providing a contemporary curriculum that is centred on a needs-based approach. We engage young men in positive learning relationships, which meet individual needs and give all young men opportunities for success.


St James College has always had a strong partnership with families. During Term 2, throughout this unprecedented time, we will continue to strengthen these relationships between home and school.


Our Learning from Home model is a blend of structured meeting times and asynchronous learning. Methods of asynchronous online learning include self-guided lesson modules, streaming video content, virtual libraries, posted lecture notes, and exchanges across discussion boards or social media platforms. Teachers and students collaborate to set meeting times for video conferencing or Teams chat.


To have our young men sitting full time, on a normal timetable, in front of their computer screens is not healthy for either their physical or mental wellbeing. In a classroom setting, boys would in no way spend the whole time on their screens. The mental and physical health of our students is just as important, maybe even more important, than their academic grades.


Individual teachers as well as differing subject areas continue to develop their methods of curriculum delivery using the various platforms available and many teachers are scheduling video meetings with their classes. Teachers have been recording and sharing lessons for students, including novel study/comprehension and essay skills using OBS broadcaster, Maths skills using Office 365 Whiteboard app, lab experiments filmed from school and PE fitness programs for students (and staff).


St James College is also following the CECV’s Transition to flexible and remote learning guidelines.


Natalie Bates

Curriculum Leader