Principal’s Message
From the Principal
This is certainly a different start to the term than that which we have previously experienced. In just a matter of weeks, the way we function as a society has had to adapt in many ways to the various requirements and restrictions set in place. Obviously, these measures are for the wellbeing and safety of all in our community. The ramifications for schools and education have been substantial. In a short period, schools have had to reprogram for remote learning, and this has impacted students, families and staff.
Our staff have trialled and embraced technology in order to communicate with students and to present their subject material. I thank our teachers for the many hours they are spending in preparation for this new mode of teaching and learning. Our young men are engaging with teachers through the various platforms. All of this is not without its challenges and I thank students, parents and staff for their perseverance in working through any difficulties and continuing to be in communication with each other. We are seeing our students further developing their organisational skills and taking on increased responsibility for their learning. At the end of the restrictions I am sure that we will continue to use and enhance the processes and skills we are utilising at present as part of what could be a new-normal reality.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank our Leadership Team who have worked to have the remote learning processes in place for the commencement of this term. Their thinking and discernment around what is best for our students is also considerate of the aspects of boys education and wellbeing. In this newsletter you will find further articles around this including contributions from our Domain Leaders of what is featuring in the learning for their subject areas.
Founders Day
It seems incredible that this this time last year we were preparing to celebrate the Tercentenary mass for Founder’s Day at St Patrick’s Cathedral with students and staff frorn the four Melbourne Lasallian Colleges. This Mass, with over one thousand in attendance, was a wonderful occasion to recognise the contribution of the De La Salle Brothers to our schools.
The date for Founder’s Day, May 15, is the anniversary of the proclamation by Pope Pius XII, in 1950, of St John Baptist De La Salle as the Patron Saint of Teachers. It is an occasion to give thanks to God for our Charism that we share with other Lasallian schools and works around the world.
This year we will be recognising this day by other means and we will send through to your sons later in May, some resources to acknowledge this important feast day.
Progress Reports
As we are unable to hold our Term 2 Parent/student/Teacher interviews, teachers have provided a Term 1 Progress Report.
This progress report is available to parents via the PAM platform and students are able to view their subject and task results using SIMON.
Please discuss this progress report with your sons. Although brief, it does provide a snapshot of your son’s study habits for Term 1. It is important to review progress and to set further goals and strategies in place as needed – even as we work differently during this term.
Easter Reflection
Following the Resurrection, and now in the season of Easter, we recall that Jesus Christ gave his life, making the supreme sacrifice and thus forgiving our sins so that we may have eternal life. Through his sacrifice our relationship with God is affirmed and it is now up to us to strengthen this relationship in our daily lives, and through our interactions with others.
This Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Easter, is Good Shepherd Sunday. Cognisant of these difficult times, Archbishop Peter Comensoli recounts in his pastoral message this week
“The Good Shepherd, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is shepherding all of us, and we can also be Good Shepherds to one another.”
Let us remember these words as we extend our care and support to those closest to us, and to our neighbour.
As we move further into this term and through these unprecedented times, the Easter message of Hope and of new life continues to have special significance for all of us.
Stephen Pooley
We remember in our Prayers
We pray for Steven Hately-Fenton (former student - class of 2019) who passed away recently. We hold Steven, his family and his friends in our prayers.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord:
And let the light perpetual shine upon him.
May his soul, and the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.