Upper Ferntree Gully Awards

Student of the week
F D Macey - for being a great helper in the classroom and for always showing great listening skills!
1/2 N Zoe - for consistently showing respectful behaviour in class and doing her personal best.
2/3 D Avery - for always following instructions and for being a caring classmate!
4/5 D Cal - for having a great attitude towards your learning and towards trying new things.
5/6 B Rhianna - for always thinking about others.
Maths Awards
F D Autumn - for doing a fantastic job collecting data about horses and always trying her best!
1/2 N Amy - for demonstrating knowledge of extending numbers when adding two and three-digit numbers.
2/3 D Andrew - for sharing great knowledge about grams and kilograms. Keep trying your best!
4/5 D Ciara - for having a focused attitude towards Maths!
5/6 B Noah - for his persistence in maths and his willingness to have a go at new concepts.
Writing Awards
F D George - for working hard to include lots of descriptive words in his writing!
1/2 N Oliver - for writing a variety of ideas for two colour poems.
2/3 D Alex - for taking your time with your writing and for including great information in your report.
4/5 D Deajay - for pushing yourself to try new things in your information reports.
5/6 B Audrey - for her creative work this week writing song lyrics.
Japanese Award
1/2 N Max M - for always being a polite and respectful student and putting a lot of effort into every task. Very well done, Max-kun!!!