Deputy Principal's News

Dear Parents,


The students in the junior school have settled back well.  It is lovely to have students back at school learning and seeing their big smiles as they reconnect with their classmates and teachers.


The end of this week officially brings to a close the St James Remote Learning Journey.  A BIG thank you to everyone in the St James School community who have supported the school, the learning programs, the staff and most importantly your children during this time.  Remote Learning would not have been possible without your support.  The positive family school partnership forged during this time will be one which we continue to cherish for many years to come.  


Monday is the Queen’s Birthday public holiday, therefore there will be non school for the students.  Commencing from Tuesday 9th June the students in Years 3-6 will join the students in Foundation - 2 in learning onsite.  The teachers are counting down the days, and look forward to working with the students.


Prayer for Returning to back to School




School Reports (June 2020)

The Semester 1 school reports will be shared with all families via the nForma Parent portal on Friday 26th June.  As already mentioned in previous correspondence the June reports will look different.  They have been simplified to accommodate for Remote Learning.  In Semester 2, (December), the students will receive a comprehensive student report for the year.

Further information regarding how to access the parent portal and student reports will be shared in the upcoming weeks.


St James Drop Off / Pick Up 

(Reviewed procedures during transitioning back to school)

A reminder to please refer to the 'Return to School Transition and Planning-Information' for Families' regarding drop off / pick up times and locations.  Thank you to everyone for their patience and collaboration in following the new procedures.

Borrowed School Devices

As we prepare to return to school, a friendly reminder that if you have borrowed a device (iPad or Chromebook) from school during Remote Learning, this will need to be returned to school on the first day back for your year level.


For students in year 3 - 6 this will be on Tuesday 9th June


There will be clearly labelled tubs located in the foyer for students to return their borrowed devices.  Can I please ask that you ensure the chargers that were loaned out are also returned.  


When returning devices and chargers please ensure that they are named (if possible use a rubber band to secure the charger to the device).  We will cross reference the devices to our register and sign them back in.  Please do not attempt to remove any name labels from the devices, this will be done at school.


All devices will be cleaned prior to them being made available for students to use in classrooms.


If the device has been damaged or you have a concern, please email me at


End of Remote Learning Information  - Week 9

Tomorrow there will be updated information added to the St James Parent Portal regarding the return to onsite learning for students in Years 3 - 6.  Please refer to this and other email correspondence that will be shared late Friday afternoon.


Please refer to the St James Catholic Primary School - Remote Learning Portal 2020.  This will be the main go to for updated information and additional resources.  


Please click here to access the portal


Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 

School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186


Please stay safe and healthy during this time.


See you all back soon.


Kind regards,


Carmelina Corio

(Deputy Principal)