Principal's News 

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


This week's reflection is timely as we try to comprehend the unjust nature of our world and the call for peace and understanding for all in humans.


‘Love your God . . . Love your neighbour’

Central to Jesus’ teachings is his message of love. Love of God and of neighbour. While the scribes argue and debate what is the most important commandment, Jesus doesn’t hesitate in his message of love. How quickly he responds and with such disarming simplicity.

Herein lies the challenge. We are asked to love our neighbour (all people) as being part of ourselves. Not just those we get along with but also those we struggle with, those who may challenge us. Simple? Maybe not . . .

This sometimes takes all our understanding, and strength but it is in this way that we can truly show our love for God. We ask God for help in showing this love for others, to bring a loving heart to our interactions with all people.


Last week we celebrated the return to school for the Prep -2 children.  The parents of these children would have been thrilled to see their little ones back.  Miss Corio sent the following clip to families on Friday through the parents reps. Given that current restrictions prohibit parents onsite and in classrooms, we have decided to bring the classroom to you. This is a small snapshot of some of the fun times that the students in the junior school shared last week. We've called it a Junior school back to school "Show n' Tell".

We are quite proud of the presentation and having half of our school family back. 


Next Tuesday we welcome back all of our Year 3- 6 children.  The young ones and the teachers are thrilled to know that we are returning and completing the long time apart as a school community. 

A reminder that the Year 3-6 children will be dropped off at the Tilley entrance on Osborne Close.   Enjoy the weekend and see you all on Tuesday.


Reporting News

As our school moved to remote learning as a result of COVID-19, our usual ways of working and engaging with students has looked different in Term 2. Included in this change has been how we assess and report on student learning. Our school, teachers, students and families have all had to adapt, change and respond to the landscape – sometimes on a daily basis. There have been countless positive opportunities and new learning, but there have also been challenges and we have each responded as best we can on a weekly basis.


I thank your child for all they have achieved and all they have contributed – they should be proud of their efforts, even in the challenging moments. I also thank each parent/carer and family member for your encouragement, feedback, patience and willingness to engage with us to support your child’s ongoing wellbeing and learning.


I would ask you to appreciate that the content on which we report is reduced, as the usual assessments undertaken in the everyday classroom have not been possible this term. 


In that context, this report will look different from usual. This is following the advice of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), Victorian Department of Education and Training, and Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV).


The end of year report (December) will provide a more comprehensive view of the year’s learning across all usual curriculum areas.



Congratulations on 10 years of wedded bliss Albana and Frank.



A reminder to all Mums, when wearing their new clothes, please take the tags off before collecting your children from school in the afternoon. MH.




Brendan Flanagan
