Oh, I love my apple watch!  You may think this is a very odd comment to make at the beginning of a short piece of writing but it is true. My watch periodically reminds me to stand.​ And, that is a good thing.

Whilst working from home, the environment is very different than in our school setting. Yes, we may be able to leave our slippers on for longer and we may enjoy the comfort and warmth of our homes but a lot of us are also less active. When we are at school, we often move from one classroom to another although this may not take very long. As a result of this we are walking, standing and maybe climbing stairs. This is not happening as often when we are remote learning.


According to the Victorian Government’s Better Health Channel, eye strain and fatigue, back and neck pain, headaches, and shoulder and arm pain are common computer-related injuries. These usually occur as a result of prolonged computer use when breaks are not regularly taken.


It is therefore very important to take a quick break between each lesson.


A stretch, a stroll around the yard or even kicking the footy, shooting some hoops or mindfulness activities such as yoga can be very beneficial. This only needs to be for a few minutes but the benefits are significant.


It is also important that a recess break and a lunch break are taken away from screens of any kind and ideally, we should get some fresh a​ir if possible.


Susan Wilken

Health Learning Area Manager