Level Low Downs 


The Preps have been learning all about 3D shapes and this week we went outside on a 3D shape hunt.  We walked around the school and practised using tally marks to record how many of each shape we could find. It was so much fun.

Year One

This week the students in Year 1 have been discovering time. Students have focused on finding the hour and the half hour and which hand signifies these times. They have explored how long 1 minute goes for and what they can achieve in that time.  They have also been discovering the difference between Analogue and Digital.  Here are some of them in action.

Maths Time
Maths Time
Maths Time
Maths Time

Year Two

It has been our great pleasure to welcome the children back into school after such a long time away, to resume classroom teaching and learning. We know how much they have missed Beaumaris Primary and we can see how quickly they have transitioned back into the stimulating environment of a classroom. Today was Sustainability Dress Up Day, which involved a water theme. We thank families for supporting the students with their fabulous costume ideas. Thanks also for the gold coin donation which will go towards a sustainability cause. 

Year Three

An excited group of Year 3s arrived at school last Tuesday morning. Happy smiles all round when friends were spotted in the school grounds. Working in groups again and talking about their learning with their class mates has been one of their favourite things about learning at school. Students have really enjoyed the discussions, the collaborative tasks and getting back to hands on activities during their learning time. Much fun has been had during recess and lunchtimes catching up with friends from other classes and revisiting favourite places and favourite playtime games with their friends. A great re-start to learning from school from our Year 3 students.

Year Four

We are so glad to see Year 4s back at school! 

The teachers missed all of the students and the students clearly missed their friends. 

This past two weeks we have been settling back into the class routines, sharing what we loved about Home Learning, revising our learning from this term and beginning our Geography inquiry projects. 


Some reminders:

·       Year 4 will not be commencing Homework again until Term 3

·       The students require their devices to be charged and at school every day

·       Please remember to bring a named drink bottle to school

·     Please explore the Epic reading website at home. The class code to login with has been posted on Microsoft Teams for each class. 

Year Five

The Year 5's have settled back into school life and have enjoyed catching up with their peers and teachers. They have reflected meaningfully on their time during Home Learning and have identified many things they are looking forward to now they are back at school. Last week involved lots of revision on what they learnt during Home Learning and participating in a range of collaborative activities. They have also started their projects for geography and are enjoying researching a chosen country to present to the class at the end of term. Congratulations on your transition back to school, the Year 5 teachers are very proud of the flexibility and resilience you have shown. 

Year Six

Welcome back to school everyone! Last week the Year 6s were excited about returning to school, and since then we have had a blast! We have participated in multiple things such as… preparing for the musical Madagascar. Auditions have been this week and everyone has been terrific. We have also been working on our Geography S.R.P (student research project). We have all chosen a country of our choice to work on with our partners. We have been working on our script and we will be making an advertisement video for our selected country! On Thursday the students dressed up in blue for awareness on plastic pollution and the impact it has on the earth’s marine life. The dolphin researchers took part in an online workshop educating them on the consequences on single waste rubbish. We are very happy to be back at school and hope everyone else is too!

By Sam and Will the Media captains!