From the Principal and Assistant Principal

Let's look after each other's health

This week alone, three Victorian schools have closed due to Coronavirus, raising concerns for schools around sudden closures or a second wave.

In our 'Return to School Parent Information', we explained the importance of your child staying home if they are unwell. This is a high priority at the moment given our current situation with Covid-19, and we thank you for being diligent around this. 

Families will understand that, as in all communities, there will be parents, carers and children, known or unknown to us for very personal reasons, with compromised immune systems. It is particularly important for us as a community to support those families at this  time. 

If your child is unwell, please ensure they remain at home until they are better. 

Thank you for your understanding.

If your child is unwell

Some families have requested Home Learning for their children who are staying at home as they are unwell. Now that school has resumed for all students P-12, schools are not expected to provide a dual program of Home Learning for children at home due to illness unless the child has a compromised immune system and may be remaining at home for many weeks or even months. The same approach is being taken by all Victorian government schools. 

However if a child is absent due to illness, and parents/carers request learning tasks to be completed at home, the teacher will suggest activities suitable for their child while they are recovering at home.

Statewide modifications to mid year Student Reports due to Home Learning

The Department of Education and Training has adjusted the expectations of Student Reports for Semester 1 in all government schools in recognition of the transition to remote and flexible learning during Term 2. 


While our school has continued to deliver its teaching and learning program and monitor the achievement and progress of each student, there have been some unprecedented changes to our usual program. 


At Beaumaris Primary School we know it is vital to involve students and their parents/carers in learning. This process includes providing reports on student learning. Beaumaris Primary School will provide a written report for the parent/carer of each student enrolled at the school for Semester 1. The reports will include information on student achievement for each curriculum area taught, however, there are some changes from our usual Semester 1 reports. 


Student reports for Semester 1 2020 will include:

  • a description of the areas of the Victorian Curriculum F-10 taught
  • comments regarding student learning achievement, based on the Victorian Curriculum F-10 for the subject areas taught
  • a comment on how the student adjusted to the remote and flexible learning environment.

In line with the expectations of the Department of Education and Training, Beaumaris Primary School will not be including teacher judgements and a five-point scale due to the unprecedented changes to our program due to COVID-19. We will report on progress at the end of the year.


Parents/carers may book a parent/teacher conference to discuss your child's report, by ten minute phone call, using the Compass parent/teacher conference booking system. 

Bookings can be made on line and will close tomorrow at 4pm on Friday 19th June. Phone interviews will be conducted next week, from Monday 22nd June. 

Purchase of additional ipads

We have been investigating increasing the number of iPads available to our Prep to Year 3 students. 


We are very pleased to advise that School Council has approved the purchase of 50 new iPads. This will boost our current collection and Prep, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 will now have class set of iPads per year level. 


Our teachers are delighted as this will ensure adequate numbers of devices are available on a regular basis as a valuable teaching and learning tool in classrooms.


As students move through Years 4-6 the students will use laptops to advance their skills in the application digital technologies to support their learning. 

Outstanding Service Award: Mr Shane Dawes

On behalf of the students, teachers and parents at Beaumaris Primary, we wish to extend our deepest gratitude and thanks for Mr Shane Dawes for his outstanding contribution to the school.


His contribution has extended over many years as a parent at the school, and as a Community Member and President of School Council. During his time on School Council, commencing in 2008, he provided invaluable input and guidance as the Convenor of Marketing and Communications Committee and Grants Committee, both established by Shane, Buildings and Grounds Committee, and Finance Committee. 


As School Council President from July 2009 to the end of 2011, his commitment to continuous improvement and to making the school a better place was evident to all who worked with him.  In this role his expertise influenced large scale improvements to school infrastructure including the BER project, known as the Susan Arnts Learning Centre or SALC, installation of the current boundary fence and the upgrade of the oval.

As a Community Member he influenced the refurbishment of four learning spaces over the years  and he was a major contributor to the design and fit out of ten learning spaces in the Pavilion, the Victorian School Building Authority project recently completed at Beaumaris Primary School.


His expertise has also influenced school procedures and practices in the areas of building maintenance, building services, Occupational Health and Safety compliance and financial management.


His willingness to offer support and his deep understanding of a broad range of school operations has enriched the school and made it a better place for our students.

On behalf of School Council and the broader community we extend our deepest thanks to Shane for his outstanding contribution and long standing commitment to the school.


In recognition of his significant contribution, School Council is delighted to commend him as the recipient of the Beaumaris Primary School Outstanding Service Award.

Oval update:

We understand the community is keen for an update on the oval. We were very disappointed that the area resown at the end of last year after the removal of the portables, did not respond to watering and care earlier in the year. When additional attempts to resow the area were unsuccessful we were advised that the area had initially been over fertilised which hindered growth. Our efforts to source suitable grasses, propagated interstate, were hindered by border closures, and then community restrictions due the lock down, reduced the availability of contractors.

We hope the community understands our frustration.

In the coming weeks a contractor is available to address the weeds on the oval, the area will be mowed and the fence will be removed to enable the students to access the area.

The contractor has advised early Spring as the best time to resow.

Quote of the Week

Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. Thomas Huxley

Gratitude and Mindfulness

What are three things that went well for you today?

What are the best things that happened to you today?

Who are you most grateful for and why?

What are you looking forward to most about tomorrow?


Sheryl Skewes                                       Ellen Hollowood

Principal                                                   Assistant Principal