Scotsburn News

Parent Teacher Interviews

A reminder that on Thursday 18th June, school will finish at 1pm for parent teacher interviews.


A friendly reminder to those parents booking in a Webex Meeting Interview time slot, that meetings will be for 10 minutes with a 5 minute break in between interviews. 


This is to ensure confidentiality for all involved. Many thanks for your understanding. 

Social Distancing of Adults

Thanks so much to the parents that have been dropping off their children since school resumed. You guys have all done a wonderful job. A reminder that visitors to the school grounds will be limited to those delivering or supporting essential school services and operations. 


No parents should enter classrooms until further notice, but please feel free to email or phone if there is something you need assistance with. Parents must also be conscious of not congregating outside the school grounds at the beginning and end of each school day.

New Sign

Our sign along the service road as you make your way into the Scotsburn Campus has been in urgent need of an upgrade. 

Mr O’Loughlin recently arranged for it to be updated. Passers by will now have a much better idea of where the Scotsburn Campus is located. 

Scotsburn Winter Wonderland Day – Friday 26th June (Last day of term)

As we are all aware, Term 2 has been a different, interesting and busy term for everyone. To celebrate everything that has been achieved, and to have some fun on the last day, Scotsburn will be having a ‘Winter Wonderland’ Day. 


Students are encouraged to come to school dressed up in their winter woollies (beanies, scarves, earmuffs, special warm jumpers, gumboots etc.). There will be lots of fun (and surprises) throughout the day to finish the term in style.  

Congratulations SC2

Throughout the remote learning period, many of the SC2 students worked very hard on their Mathletics and Reading Eggs. 


As a result, they have been awarded certificates for their effort. Well done guys. 


Caring for Pip

If anyone would like to take Pip the lizard for the school holidays, please let Mr O know. 

ABC & ROCCH Awards

SC1 – Brea E

SC2 – Asher W

ROCCH Award – Ivy K

Term 2 - Lunch Order Roster 

Lunch orders need to be collected from the Buninyong campus at 12.40pm. Please ensure you organise a swap if necessary so that the students do not go hungry! 

Important Dates

Parent Teacher Interviews - Webex

  • June 18 - 1.45pm – 5pm (1pm finish for students)
  • June 23rd - 4pm – 5.30pm

Term 2 Ends – June 26th (2.30 pm finish)