Principal's Report

All Back on Deck

Well done to our grade 3-6s who successfully transitioned back at both campuses last week.  Like the P-2s a few weeks earlier, some were looking a tad weary by the end of their first week back at school, but we know they’ll adjust quickly and be back into the swing of things by the end of this term.

Remote Learning Feedback

As part of our whole school reflection process we are now seeking parent feedback on how the remote learning program was implemented. This feedback process will help provide some clarity on what worked, what didn’t and what we could do differently, should we ever find ourselves in this position in the future.


The Feedback survey is sitting in your Compass Portal as an INSIGHT Notification. 

Simply click on the link and follow the directions. 


We look forward to hearing about all your thoughts and ideas.


The survey focuses on 5 main areas:

  1. The video conferencing experience.
  2. The Compass Learning Tasks
  3. Feedback
  4. Transitioning into and out of remote learning
  5. Maintaining community connection

A Word of Thanks from DET

Attached is a letter from Jenna Atta, Secretary for the Department of Education and Training.  


Please have a read, as Jenny, on the behalf of DET, is thanking parents for their efforts during remote learning.  This is a nice touch, given we all know how challenging recent months have been and how families have met the challenges and supported their schools along the way. 


Our school community has certainly been amazing during this period.

End of Semester Reporting

By now most of you will have taken a few moments to have a read of your child’s mid-year report.  They look quite different to the reports we are accustomed to, but hopefully you found them useful. 


Many of you will have had considerable contact with your child’s teacher during remote learning and may not feel the need for another parent-teacher catch up, but we’re all ready to go with our first ever online Parent Teacher Interviews.  Given our new-found tech skills, we know the online version will go well.

School Camps

On Sunday many of you will have heard Premier Daniel Andrews announce that school camps will be allowed from 3.  We’ll now wait for guidelines from DET (Department of Education and Training), which will provide the detail we need to sit down and consider options for the remainder of this year. We’ll keep you posted on this one.