The Foundation of Well-being

Over the long weekend, I had the opportunity to explore the Mount Lofty Botanical Gardens with my family and some friends.  The symphony of colour that surrounded us was so good for the soul.  As we walked there were many moments where we just stopped to breathe and take in the sights of spectacular blends of contrasting colours.  I spent time imagining what our Curiosity children would have been doing in such an exquisite place. 

It was hard to draw any parallels to species of plants as each plant had drawn from the ecosystem exactly what it needs for the position in which it's foundations lay and had responded accordingly.  Some plants had changed colour, some thinned out or appeared to have bulked up in it's foliage.   Now, I do not profess to be a botanist in any form so am unsure of the exact biology behind the interaction of plant species, however it did get me drawing some parallels to my own existence and the foundations in which my being lies;  and in response how this affects my well-being.


In  the Bible we read of a story that Jesus shared with his friends about the importance of foundations for the soul.  In Matthew 7, we read of 7 lessons of wisdom, giving us direction and clarity on and what to hold value too.  The value of not being judgemental and valuing relationship, being persistent in seeking God's best for our lives, operating out of thought for others, staying focused and remaining true to your convictions,  being honorable with our actions to offer wealth to a collective and living with conviction that a life with Jesus is one that is unwavering, strong and constant despite the circumstances of life.

The question is, what do you build your life on to support the foundations of your well-being?  For me, reflecting on the beauty of these gardens gave me the time and space to consider the things in which I give my time to and if they actually promote my well-being or add complication.  What do I give my focus and attention to?  What in my life is truly essential for my existence?  How does my daily following of Jesus impact my responses to the uncontrollable situations around me?  What is the 'fruit' (the good things) that other's see in my life?

The staff have begun to explore concepts of well-being through the Nationwide program 'Be You'.  To support the children as best we can, we know that our mental health and well-being can either hinder or strengthen the well-being of others.  

"Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her of his community."  (Understand -  Mental Health and Well-being module)

As I read over the lessons found within Matthew 7, it is easy to draw parallels between this organisations definition of mental health and the wisdom found within these verses.

I am so appreciate that our ELC is centered on the foundation of Jesus and the wisdom, truth and confidence we have in our relationship with Him.

I pray that your well-being is grounded in foundations that reflect wisdom, truth and confidence in the things or people that you choose to put your trust in.

If our team can support you in anyway please let us know as you are just as much part of our community as the children you bring to us each day.

Blessings for a fabulous weekend!


Blessings to you, 
