Secondary Community News 


7/8 scientists have been working hard in their labs this week to see the out come of mixing different solids and liquids. They made their own lava lamps by mixing vinegar and bi carb soda to create a gas that made the oil bubble. Students learned that when you mix vinegar and bi carb soda it creates a gas called carbon dioxide. The following week the scientist mixed cola and mentos to see what would happen. The cola over flowed from the gas created inside the bottle.  


In reading students have been learning about different sounds and identifying words with the TH,SH,PH,WH and CH sounds. Students have come up with some fantastic words that have been added to our word walls.  


In numeracy we have been learning about hefting and using different items around the classroom to determine which is heavier or lighter. They have also been using different objects to measure capacity.  We have been learning about Australian money and practicing to count a small collection of coins.  


Over the past fortnight all 7/8 classes have gone to Water Gardens to practice Travel Training. We practiced about pedestrian skills by walking to the train station and ensuring we were being safe. We then caught the train and practiced being responsible and aware of others.


The Year 9/10 Swimming Program

The Year 9/10’s started their swimming program on Monday the 22nd of August. Everyone was excited to improve and learn some new skills.  Every morning we leave for the Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre and demonstrate our planning and organising skills by bringing our swimming bags neatly packed! At the pool the students are divided into three groups according to their skills. Two groups are learning how to float and improve their breathing for free style and backstroke. One group is learning to improve their backstroke, breaststroke and free style skills. Swimming is a very important skill to learn because it improves your health, fitness and helps you to be safe at the beach in summer! Great work everyone keep on learning, be safe and enjoy.  By Tahlia 9/10D

Unicorn Group
Koala Group
Otter Group
Unicorn Group
Koala Group
Otter Group


What’s Happening In ASDAN?

ASDAN students have been very busy learning how to use public transport respectfully and safely.

During travel training excursions we learn how to problem solve if situations arise or change. We have been learning to locate items and services in a store, read/match labels and price tags and purchase items independently. Students have also been learning to navigate large shopping centres and market places.


We continue to develop employability skills during our work experience visits to Westvale Community Garden. The students have been weeding, sweeping, raking, planting and watering the garden. We are also all enjoying our new health and fitness program every Tuesday.