Year 3 News

Merrila Harries, Jane Earnshaw, Jaimie Morley, Natalie Watters, 

Kylie Stone, Gail Nichols

Room 23

In Maths, we have been learning about length. We really enjoyed measuring different parts of our bodies using rulers and tape measures. This term we continued to learn about the 6 Thinking Hats and how we can use them to enhance our understanding of the books we read. Everyone has appreciated the opportunity to choose their tasks using a choice board and present their projects creatively. We also created a review of the Riverton Leisureplex after participating in swimming lessons earlier this term. Another exciting activity we have done this term is making sandwiches. We researched ingredients, and then designed and made our sandwiches. The highlight was creating a digital procedure on Clips and eating our sandwiches!

Room 24

Term 3 in Room 24 has been full of exciting events and we welcomed our practicum teacher, Miss Johnson who is with us for ten weeks.

The term started with two weeks of swimming lessons where we refined our swimming skills. 

‘100 days of learning’ was celebrated by completing various activities and decorating cupcakes with hundreds and thousands. They were delicious!

We were fortunate to have the Canning Vale firefighters visit the Year 3 classes to educate us on fire safety and show us their trucks and equipment. Unfortunately, the weather was stormy, so we couldn’t see the fire trucks in action, but we learnt a lot about fire plans, smoke detectors, and the roles that firefighters play in our community. 

Throughout the term, we have used a range of cooperative learning strategies to encourage collaborative learning. Some activities incorporated ‘6 Thinking Hat’ skills. 

During Week 6 we celebrated Book Week and were inspired to "dream with our eyes open" which was the theme for Book Week this year. We were all excited and our costumes looked amazing. It was great to see so many characters come to life in our classroom. 

We have enjoyed using ICT to create Father’s Day cards and gifts for our Dads. It has been a busy term so far!

Room 25

Scarecrow, Pizza & Grassy Heads 

We have had the most fun during our design technologies lessons this term! The topic we are learning about is the process that a range of different foods and fibres go through for us to use. 

We’ve been busy making pizzas, growing grassy heads and designing a scarecrow for the Royal Show. Don’t forget to look for our Burrendah scarecrow if you and your friends or family visit the Royal Show!  

Book Week 

Book week was so exciting! We loved being able to dress up as our favourite book characters and share our opinions on different books.  

Maths – Mapping, Angles 

We love doing hands-on activities when we are learning about maths. Particularly, we were working on mapping familiar locations and giving specific directions to find hidden treasures. We also challenged ourselves by learning about the different types of angles in our environment.  

Deep Learning 

Our class is working on becoming deeper learners and challenging ourselves when learning about a range of topics. In particular, we have really enjoyed using choice boards where we are able to choose the type of activity we would like to do and present it in a way of our choice that best interests us.   

Buddy Class 

Buddy class is always a highlight of our week. This term we have been spending time with our buddies designing and creating cardboard arcade games. We are very excited to play them when we have finished!  

Room 26

In Maths this term, we have been measuring.  We tried to create 1m2 using newspaper. We have also measured the length and width of our feet. Then we tried to measure the area and perimeter of them too.

In Technology, we have designed and built marble runs. We have evaluated our peers, tested our own and made improvements to produce the best marble run we could. We got very creative and had a lot of fun doing this.

In HASS, we have learnt about who Australia’s neighbours are. We then each chose a country to research and write an information report on. We have learnt lots about the world around us – and now want to book holidays to see some of these places!

We also had a lot of fun dressing up for Book Week and we also made some very cool placemats for our dads for Father’s Day.

Room 28

Term 3 has been a very busy and exciting term for Room 28!


Canning Vale Fire and Rescue In-School Activity

We were lucky enough to have some firefighters from Canning Vale Fire and Rescue come to teach us all about fire safety.  We learnt about what to do if there is a fire.  We were also able to see some of the equipment the firefighters use.  We also got a fashion parade with one of the firefighters dressed in his safety gear.  He sounded just like Darth Vader!

Fact and Opinion Detectives

This term we have been learning how to write reviews and reports.  We needed to be very good at wearing our white fact-finding hats.  We put our fact-finding skills to the test with a set of 8 detective cases to solve.  We had to read the scenario and the witness statements.  Using our Top Secret Detective Book, we sorted the information into facts and opinions to solve the case.  We were excellent Fact Finding Detectives.

Book Week

We had an amazing time celebrating Book Week on Friday the 26th of August.  We wore amazing costumes to celebrate our favourite stories and took part in the whole school fashion parade.  We then made our very own book reviews, making sure we included a book summary, favourite part, recommendation, character profile and rating. We designed our own review and they look amazing!

Enjoying the Library

We are very lucky to have all of the new furniture in the Library.  We have been enjoying reading our favourite books in such a comfortable and inviting space.  We look forward to visiting the Library each week.