Classroom News

Prep & Year 5/6 Buddies
On Tuesday the Prep children were drawing a picture of 'Forgiveness'. The Y5/6 students came to hear about what was happening in the pictures.
Year 1
Throughout the year, the Year 1’s have been working on our whole school learning dispositions. The dispositions are self managing, creative, respectful, resilient, responsible and curious. We work on all of these throughout the year, but lately, we have put a lot of our focus on how we can self manage in Year 1. Self-management can look like unpacking/packing our school bags each day without reminders, taking good care of items that belong to us and also managing our social and emotional responses in class and also in the playground.
Recently we have tasked the Year 1’s along with the Preps and Year 2’s to work on their self management skills during Discovery learning. This week we asked the students to choose two learning activities in the Discovery area that they enjoy or are curious about. We then asked them to work on their self management skills when at the different learning areas. This included managing how they interacted with others at the same learning area, managed the time they spent at an area as well as making sure they packed up after themselves when they had finished playing at an area. Self managing is not always easy and the Year 1’s have been trying very hard.
Some great self managing going on during Discovery learning time.
Year 2
Father's Day
We hope all the fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers and special people in our Sacred Heart community enjoyed their day last Sunday. Last week, the Year 2s were busy making gifts to show their love and appreciation for their special someone. They had to put their creative hats on when given the task to create their very own board games.
Pictured here, are Shamus and Sharlotte (Yr Prep) enjoying Shamus' board game, with their dad.
Year 3/4
Writer's Notebook
Students in Year 3/4 have recently started a new, simple and fun way to write each day. They have been keeping a writer’s notebook. A writer’s notebook is a powerful tool for improving student writing and is used in a way that promotes time for writing, increases volume of writing and allows student choice in writing.
Year 4/5/6
All the Year 4/5 and Year 5/6 students have been learning about the Sacrament of Confirmation, supporting the 5 students making their Confirmation this Friday.
As part of the learning the students have been learning about different Saints and what their gift or fruit from the Holy Spirit was.
Amelia: Saint Mary MacKillop
She was a great person because she always gave up her time for others. She founded education for the poor kids and started the order of St Joseph Nuns in Australia.
She has the Holy Spirit Gift of Understanding because even though some children couldn't afford education, they needed help and she went about getting it for them.