Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart School Community,
Sacrament of Confirmation
Lord, You send out Your Spirit to touch the hearts of all people, so that they may believe in You and in Jesus whom You sent. Look kindly on all candidates for Confirmation as they listen to Your voice. Open their hearts to Your Spirit and bring to fulfilment the good work that You have begun in them. As we prepare these children for Confirmation, make each of us an instrument of Your love. Teach us to appreciate what is holy in others, and to be patient with what we do not understand. Deepen our faith in the Gospel and help us to pass it on by our example. We pray that You will continue to guide us and sustain us.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
On behalf of our Sacred Heart School Community, I would like to congratulate our Year Five students Jaxon, Ethan, Michael, Amelia, Zane and Eli who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this Friday at 7.00pm. We pray for these students as they continue the next part of their faith journey and for their families that they may continue to support and nurture their children's faith practices.
Father's Day
Thank you to all the dads who came along last Friday to help us enjoy a fun night with lots of laughter. Again thank you to our two mums Joane (donation from Dominos) and Kanza (home made dessert) for organising the food which was readily consumed and most delicious.
Uniform Shop
As of next term, credit card facilities will be available when purchasing items of clothing from the uniform shop. We hope this facility makes it easier for all involved.
Congratulations Alex
I would like to congratulate our Year Four student Alex for representing our school today at the Division Athletics Carnival Year conducted at the Meadowglen Athletics Track. Alex earned the right by winning the shotput event for his age group at our District Athletics Carnival two weeks ago. Great effort Alex.
Prep 2023 Transition
Next Tuesday we welcome our Year Prep students for 2023 for their first transition session. Tuesday will be followed with another three sessions next term. We will have some photos in next week's newsletter of our new Year Preps.
School Closure Day
A reminder that this Monday 12th September is a school closure day. During the day our staff will be working on a consistent understanding and implementation of the Restorative Practices method for addressing student behaviour. The day will be facilitated by Maurizio Vespa who is a highly regarded exponent of Restorative Practices. Whilst I am being very honest in saying our students behaviour is consistently something you as parents can be proud of, we know that instances can occur both in the classroom and the playground where decisions need to be reflected up, discussions had and a change in behaviour identified.
On this day our after school care provider Youth Leadership Victoria will offer its services for interested families.
Thank you to those families who have brought in items for their child's class hamper to assist with fundraising for next terms dinner dance. All items will be collected next Friday so that hampers can be put on display next term in the weeks leading up to the dinner dance. If you would still like to provide an item, the following is a list of class hampers.
Yr Prep: Pampering, Year One: Cooking, Year Two: Children's Games/Toys, Year Three/Four Gardening, Year Four/Five: Sport and Year Five/Six: Art and Craft
Naplan results for 2022 arrived earlier this week and were given out to the parents of our Year Three and Five students on Monday. Jess and I are currently looking at the data but early indications suggest an impressive upward trend across both year levels which is most pleasing. In the coming weeks we will provide more detailed information about the 2022 data.
Morning Tea
This Sunday our parish and school will offer light refreshments after the 10.30am Mass for the first time. This will happen on the second Sunday of each month from now on and will take place in our school multi purpose for about an hour after Mass.
Premiers Reading Challenge
I would like to acknowledge the commitment of our students to accept the Premier's Reading Challenge and complete the required reading of novels in a reduced period of time. Congratulations to the 75% of our students who completed the challenge by the closing date of last Friday (with a number of other students commencing the challenge but not quite getting the required number of books read in the short time frame). We know that these students passion for reading will continue to result in the development of their overall literacy skills. Thank you to Prem (mum of Arvin) and Anna (nonna of Alex and Isabelle) who organised the Challenge so our students could be involved.
Football Day Photos
Football Clinic Photos
Dancing Classes with Angela
Due to Monday being a school closure day, dancing classes with Angela will be held on Wednesday. Classes will begin straight after school and finish at 4.30pm as normal.
Please take care.
Yours Sincerely
Mark Tierney
Newsflash - Late News
Great news just in - Alex won the bronze medal earlier today, competing in the boys 10 years shot put at the Division Athletics Championships