Whole School News



Chinese Cultural Day

This Wednesday, 14th September, we celebrated our Chinese Cultural Day connecting to the Chinese Moon Festival. After a long absence of two years, Collingwood College was proud to be able to organise a whole Primary School event - Chinese Cultural Day Concert. The concert was hosted by our students from Grade 5/6, Lily Jane, Solee and Mollie and they did a fantastic job. After the acknowledgement of country, Sormeh Afkari (Primary School Learning Specialist) gave an opening speech and we welcomed the adorable Grade 1 and 2's onto the stage for their medley of songs. 

The Primary School concert was amazing. All the students were involved in the performance. They made their own rabbit headbands and sang in Chinese with a fine action. So lovely! Our ELC students also did a wonderful singing and dancing.   What a wonderful celebration day!




Next, we had the performance from Grade 5 and 6's, followed by a beautiful performance by our Guest Performer, Ruby Kao, who showed us some mesmerising traditional Chinese dances with multiple outfit changes, much to the amazement of the audience. After that, the Grade 3 and 4's graced the stage and it was so heartwarming to see the entire auditorium engaging with the performance. Last but not least, a high school team that consists of the English Language Centre students, Raeanna from Year 8 and Ethan from Year 10, performed a song, followed by a fast-paced dance, that got the audience really hyped up.


Year 7-10 students made their kites in the GYM in the morning with ‘ The Kites for Kids’ organisation. Students designed and made their own kites, and then flew them on the playground. Students and teachers were so excited to watch many colourful kites flying high up in the blue sky with lots of sunshine. 


A lot of work has gone into the preparation of the event, with special mention to the school's leadership, support from the Head of the LOTE Team, Lijuan Wang, our new Primary Chinese teachers, Beth Huang (Year 3-6) and Robyn Chen (Prep - Year 2), and Felicia Peh. A concert would not have been possible without a super team behind the stage and sounds set up, and we would like to extend our thanks to Emily Wearne (music teacher), Bryce Gooch (Year 10 student) and Osgar Bryant (Year 8 student) for their time and effort to help us during the rehearsals as well as the actual day of the concert.


We were quite pleased to see our students participating so well.


LOTE Team, 

Lijuan Wang, Beth Huang, Robyn Chen and Felicia Peh.



The Great Book Swap 2022

Thank you to everyone who donated the books for our Great Book Swap and everyone who bought them. The Great Book Swap was a great success again with $455.00 being raised. It is our seventh Book Swap and altogether we’ve donated more than $4,500. The funds will help buy 20,000 new culturally appropriate books for children in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. 

It was fabulous day in the library. Kids and adults had a good fun rummaging through the books. We’ll do it again next year.



Alina Allery

Collingwood College Library Manager

INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE (updated 9 August) - Contact Person - Steve Wu


Please click on the attachment below to see a list of Stringed instruments for sale. If you have an instrument for sale please email Steve at:  fengchih.09@gmail.com







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