Secondary School News

Secondary School News

I am very proud of the way our whole community has supported each other in making last semester's return to onsite learning a success. This week I took out some of our Year 10 students to a Work Inspiration training day at Deloitte, who were fantastic in representing our school within the professional workplace environment and were insightful and respectful in all of their interactions. The view from the 31st floor was amazing!!!


It was wonderful to have three of our students be a part of Saturday's State Schools Spectacular as orchestra performers. Well done to Amber in Year 10, Dubhessa Year 11 and Talitha Year 11. 


We loved to see our Pride Club in the audience of The Project supporting Frankie as she was interviewed for 'Wear it Purple Day'. 


On Wednesday our back oval was filled with kites of various designs being flown in the windy weather as we celebrated Chinese Cultural Day. The LOTE team did an amazing job in creating an engaging morning or art and activity.


We have many tired Year 9 students this week since their return from Hattah Camp. The students spent the week canoeing in the Hattah-Kulkyne National Park. This is the third of four five-day journey based trips that our Year 9 Steiner students have planned for this year.


This term has really reinforced my strong belief that every student at our school is capable of high levels of learning growth and high levels of engagement in the life of the school. As we prepare to begin our final term this year, it is really important that we all encourage all of our students to actively prepare for success by being at school every day with all the materials they need to learn. It is equally important that we all regularly show we care about what they are doing and that we believe in them. I am very much looking forward to continuing to see high level engagement inside and outside of classrooms with lots of camps, excursions and 2023 early commencement programs next term.


We look forward to seeing the whole Collingwood community on November 18th for our first whole school community event – a music and food event from 3:30 – 6:30. More details to come early next term.


I would like to congratulate all staff Collingwood College on their excellent and tireless work in supporting our students this term. 


Wishing you all a restful and safe holiday break.


Looking forward to seeing you in Term 4.




Angela Watters

Assistant Principal - Secondary School



Careers and Pathways in Construction

This week in Careers, four guest presenters visited the school to speak to Year 10 about work opportunities in Construction.  Each provided information about their current roles within the industry, and shared their experiences of working nationally and internationally in careers such as Engineering, Communications and Stakeholder Engagement, Strategic Communications and Business Support, and Social Inclusion. Students have gained a better understanding and appreciation of the construction that surrounds them in their daily lives; from freeway tunnels to the future operational railway to the Melbourne Airport. It was wonderful to have our students ask thoughtful questions at the end of the session. We thank Laing O’Rourke Australia for supporting our school and making this special voluntary event possible for our students.


Road Smart 

Year 10 students recently participated in an interactive classroom session with a Road Smart facilitator where they learned about road safety to help prepare them as beginner drivers on the road.  The session covered road rules and safety for both drivers and pedestrians.



Chinese Cultural Day - Kite Flying Frenzy!

I was very proud of the Year 9 & 10 students today as I watched them collaborate enthusiastically to make their kites for Chinese Cultural Day, and then fly them on the back oval as a group (successfully getting them up in the air!) And it was the perfect weather for it!





RIJI Ready

Well done to Year 9 students for completing their Resume and Cover Letter for RIJI (Real Industry Job Interview) during Home Group this term.  On October 13, our students will undertake a ‘mock’ interview at the Collingwood Town Hall with volunteers, and later receive feedback on their performance which they can then build on when applying for future jobs. This will be a valuable experience for our students as they approach the required age for applying for part-time work. 



Work Inspiration Workshop

I was very fortunate to attend the second day of the Work Inspiration workshop with a small group of our Year 10 students and, as with Angela Watters who attended the first day, was VERY impressed with our students' motivation to participate in the organised activities, and overall interaction with the presenters.  Students learned about the opportunities that the Professional Services industry provides and of the day-to-day operations of a major financial services company - Deloitte. The backdrop for group work and student presentations included enticing views from the 33rd floor of a building looking over Southbank!  This program was coordinated with The Smith Family as part of their Careers program.


Lori Michael

Year 9 & 10 - Education and Programs Leader



Interschool Basketball & Year 8 Girls Basketball


We had our 8/9/10 girls (2 teams) participate at the 2022 Moreland Division Interschool Sport Basketball Tournament.

The Yr 8 team came together at training sessions every week, low on numbers, battled all day with minimal substitutions. Their ability to keep the ball moving, find space and hustle ensured they came away with the Division 3rd place ribbon.

The Yr9/10 girls team had no rest what so ever throughout the day with back to back games. Their never say die attitude, teamwork, game tactics, on the run first aid by Dr. James ensured they finished every game with points on the board and a smile.

Very well done to both teams for making the day another Collingwood College success.





Thanks girls.


James Agombar

Head of Health, Physical Education & Sport

Year 9 PLC Leader

Collingwood College






Fitzroy Youth Homework Club

The Young Assets Foundation's Fitzroy Youth Homework Club provides education support for high school and university students (under 25) from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Fitzroy LibrarySupport includes:

  • one on one tutoring
  • study resources
  • study spaces
  • mentoring
  • pathways support

More information contact: Youth Assets Foundation 0406 054 820