Principal’s Message

Mrs Kath Baird

Dear Parents and Carers,


Firstly, thank you to all our fathers, grandfathers and special friends who came to share in our Father's Day breakfast last Thursday. It is always lovely to see the considerable support between our students, families, school and wider community. 


Our Stage 3 students were invited last Friday to represent our school at the Dorothea Mackellar awards and we thank Mrs Jenny Darley and Mrs Heike Watson for taking our children. Being able to listen to different presenters and the poetry of other students  provides opportunities for students to influence their own writing and spark inspiration.


I wish to clarify a Compass alert that I sent out last week regarding nut awareness. Nut awareness is an important aspect of our school to ensure that students who have nut allergies can have minimal exposure to allergens. Anaphylaxis can be a severe side effect of exposure to allergens such as nuts and this can cause serious concerns for students. It is important as a school community that we are aware of allergens in our school environment.


We wish our PP5 relay team all the best for this Friday when they run at the Polding Athletics carnival at Glendale. Travel safely and enjoy the experience.


This week I am in Melbourne to attend the National Catholic Education Conference. This is an opportunity for Catholic leaders and educators to listen and have conversation with contributing networks within and beyond Catholic Education. We have had the privilege of listening to some well spoken and informed students who had some innovative ideas for the future of schooling and education.


Next term Father Abmar is looking to train alter servers from our school to serve at our Parish masses each Saturday. If your child is interested in alter serving, they must have already received their first eucharist and be willing to be on a monthly roster. Please contact me at school if this is something that your child would like to participate in. 

A reminder regarding how to make contact with the school. Please remember that if your child's pick up arrangements need to change during the day, please phone the school as it is not always possible to check emails. Also, if you need to contact the school regarding events or teaching and learning activities, please either email the teacher or phone the school, being mindful of not using private messaging services. For all emails to staff, please allow up to 48 hrs to receive a reply as some days can be more hectic than others.


Lastly, our kindergarten transition is continuing this week for students commencing kinder in 2023. If you know of anyone who is intending to enrol at Sacred Heart either in Kindergarten for 2023 or any other year group, please encourage them to contact me at school. 



Take care


Kath Baird
