P&C News

Interschool Sports Carnival Fundraiser
Our bike raffle was so successful with a whopping 319 tickets sold! That’s $531 raised for the school.
Thank you to Meredith Hammat MLA member for Mirrabooka for donating the $200 bike voucher and Hawaiian Noranda Shopping Centre for the second and third place vouchers, congratulations to the raffle winners and thank you to everyone who bought tickets and supported the P&C.
Thank you to everyone that volunteered on the day to help in the Canteen, bake goods for the fundraiser or bought food or raffle tickets. Your support is invaluable!
Dress Up Disco
This Friday 28 October, come dressed in your best costume! Tickets can be purchased at the door for $5 and there will be food, drinks and glow sticks for sale at the canteen.
Colour Fun Run
Get ready for an explosion of colour and fun! The 2022 colour fun run will be on Friday November 11. Bring along some white clothes or something you don’t mind getting wet and colourful!
Next P&C Meeting
Term 4, week 5, Monday 7 November 2022
We hope to offer both face to face and online versions. If you wish to attend please contact us at - marangaroopandc@gmail.com