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The M Chat Issue 26

Messages from the Front Office

Successful Student Awards

At our last assembly on Friday 16 September  we had presentations for successful Student Awards.  Their smiling, proud faces are below.  Congratulations to you all. 

Hudson Park Onsite Dental Screening

The Hudson Park Dental Therapy Centre will be visiting Marangaroo Primary School on the Friday October 28 for dental screening. Pre-primary, year 3 and year 6 children will be screened for dental malocclusions and referred if necessary. Please note this is a screening session, not a general check-up and only those enrolled into the school dental service will be screened. 

Please contact the clinic on 9342 4217 for any concerns/questions. 


NO HAT NO PLAY - Sunsmart School 

As the weather starts to improve the UV rating will start to climb and it is so important that students come to school every day with a broad brim hat. We are a sun smart school, which means that we raise awareness of the risks of over-exposure to the sun and promote safe practices. This means children must wear a hat to play outdoors. Students that don't have a hat can only play in undercover areas. 

The school does have some spare hats that we loan to students on the odd occasion that they have left theirs at home or have misplaced it, but we will not be loaning hats on a daily basis to the same children. To avoid disappointment, please ensure that your child has packed a clearly labelled hat in their bag each day. 


The Education Department has provided additional RAT tests for distribution to the school community. There is one box allocated per student, so if you have not yet collected RAT tests this term and need some please come to the Front office. 

Phasing out cash payments

For various operational reasons, including the closure of local Bank branches, we have decided to phase out the acceptance of cash for school fees and excursions throughout the remainder of this year. We request that, where possible, all families make payments by direct deposit to the school bank account or through EFTPOS in the front office. 


Reminder: If you are making direct deposits to the school account, can you please ensure that you provide a reference that includes the CHILD'S NAME AND YEAR GROUP to allow for timely processing. 

For example: J Citizen yr 1

BSB: 066 040 

Account: # 19905042