UHS Sport Update

Across a very busy term 3 & 4 for interschool sport so far, we have had multiple sporting events across the UHS sport program with some outstanding results achieved by our students.  


State Athletics 

We had a fantastic team representing UHS across both track and field events. Congratulations to Carson Afoa, Noah Tortsoa, Dylan Fielding, Roman Keating, Jasper Louey, Matthew Rong & Guilermo Zarco-Vera who represented UHS proudly on the day of competition.


However, special mention has to go to Jasper Louey of 8T3 who competed in 5 events on the day becoming State Champion in the under 14 Boys Triple Jump! As well as coming runner up in Long Jump a magnificent effort. Wishing Jasper all the very best at the national championships early next month. Congratulations to all competitors for making it all the way through to the state athletics champs!

State Championships 

We have our Year 8 Boys Hockey team, Year 8 Boys Tennis team and also our Year 8 Boys Table Tennis team all qualifying for the state championships which will be held later in term 4. Wishing the boys all the best to try and bring home a state championship for UHS in 2022! 

Our senior boys badminton team which consisted of Justin Chng, Daniel Chong, Kevin Feng, Justin Huynh & Daniel Wang had a fantastic state championships coming in 4th place! It is a fantastic achievement in making it through to the State level competition so well done to all. 


Sports Awards Breakfast

In week 6 of Term 4 we also held our inaugural inter school sports award breakfast, with students and parents joining us to celebrate students success throughout 2022. A highlight of the breakfast was being joined by 2 VIS athletes to help present our awards with Caitlin Parker (Boxing) and Austin Darcy (Archery) join us as guest speakers. Good luck to both athletes as they strive towards Paris 2024! Lastly, a special mention needs to go to Lurinda Hill (Sports Assistant) who put on such a fantastic breakfast for staff, students and families I hope you all enjoyed it and congratulations to all the award winners in 2022! 

We can’t wait for the 2023 interschool sport program to keep thriving and flourishing with hopefully even more success for UHS! I hope you have a fantastic break and good luck to all in your sporting endeavours.


Jack Brook - Interschool Sport Coordinator