Betty Keane French award, 2022. 

Elizabeth Keane (Betty) was assistant principal of UHS in the early and mid-seventies. Betty always worked with grace and energy she strove to bring out the best in all and provide for the needs of all. It was with great sadness the school community learnt that she had died suddenly during a Christmas vacation period and would not be returning the following year. The school created this prize in her memory and to honour the efforts of young men and women who strive for excellence and achieve the best of themselves. Betty believed that learning a foreign language properly was an opportunity to expand your personality and see the world through multiple perspectives. Each year Uni High awards the prize to one year 11 French student.


Congratulations Ajna Lacevic for winning the Betty Keane award, 2022.


Ajna est toujours une élève travailleuse, positive, et gentille avec tout le monde. Elle apporte quelque chose de spéciale à chaque cours de français, ce qui le rend meilleure pour tous. Je suis vraiment impressionnée par sa participation dynamique aux activités de la classe, ainsi que son dévouement aux cours de français au fil des ans. Merci Ajna, d’avoir tellement contribué à notre classe et merci pour ton attitude exceptionnelle. Je suis certaine que tu continueras à briller dans les années à venir !


Eleanor James - Year 10 Coleman Coordinator + French / EAL Teacher