Theatresports Club

Theatresports Club is a student run club that launched at the start of Term 3 this year. It is held every Friday during lunchtime in RM 1012 and is always open to new members. As one of University High School’s newest clubs, Theatresports Club allows students to hone their improvisation and drama skills as well as compete in exciting end of Term Theatresports Competitions. 


A big congratulations to our winners of last term’s competition: Miranda, Nell and Alex followed by second prize winners: Jamie, Maddie, Ana & Flora. They have taken home two student tickets to a Melbourne Theatre Company production and a $30 costume voucher respectively. This term’s competition will be taking place in Week 9 and will feature guest student judges. On your marks, Zip Zap Boing! 


Matt Roche – Teacher of Music & Drama