African Dance Workshop

For an afternoon in November, the Year 9 and 10 dance classes participated in an African Dance Workshop and learned new moves and stories from the instructor, Appiah Annan, who originates from Ghana, in West Africa. 


The instructor taught two Afro-contemporary dances, helped students with timing and played music for the students to dance to. 

Students reflected that they found the African Dance Workshop ‘rewarding, challenging but also very fun’ and that ‘it was a very different style from what we’re used to, but it was such a unique experience, and it was so worth it to learn a whole other style’. 


Overall, the students were appreciative and grateful for the guest teacher to come and teach them his cultural dance style and play live music for them on the drums. The class was full of music, culture, and good dancing!


We hope Appiah can return next year to host more awesome and inspiring dance workshops!

Written by Portia Blackborough, Isabelle Jolly, Riana Amit, Georgia Karunajeewa (Year 10 Dance)