Student Excellence at UHS in Term 4

Term 4 has seen some exciting opportunities offered to our high ability students. The pitter patter of paws of some four-legged friends and the flutter of wings have been heard throughout the corridors. Continuing from the success of an animal behaviour series in Term 3 with older students, we have offered the program to our middle school students. Run through Animal Therapy Australia, the students have spent some time with Radar, a PTSD service dog in training, Bailey the therapy dog and will also spend some time with some feathered friends and insects later in the term as part of this workshop series. 

We have also been able to offer Philosophy club to select students from Years 7 -10, which has been exciting hearing the students comment on and debate with intellectual rigour (see article below written by facilitator, Michelle Sowey for more details). 


In week 4, UHS ran a Drone workshop for student middle school students, where students got to use drones in order to engage with geospatial problem solving. The program was run and facilitated by educational drone specialists, SheMaps.

At this time of the year, we also look ahead and as part of our planning, we value the input of our wider school community. Watch out for communication looking for your contribution into the planning of Student Excellence for 2023. 


Veronica Sanders - Student Excellence Program Coordinator