Mr G's Goss
What an amazing couple of weeks we have had at Somerville Primary School since our last newsletter. Our Year 2 students had the most amazing day camp experience at the Briars last Tuesday. All the students came back to school saying how much fun they had; we even had a few requests for a Gaga Pit at school. The Year 3-6 Students competed in the annual House Athletics Day at Somerville Secondary College on Friday 12th August. The students did a wonderful job representing the school and their house. Congratulations to Carter House who were the overall winners for the day. The Year 3 & 4 students have been away for the last 3 days at Phillip Island Adventure Camp. Whilst the weather may not have been overly kind to them, they all had a magnificent time.
We have our annual Book Fair that is happening in week 7, all classes will have the opportunity to visit the book fair and students to make a wish list. We will also have our Wakakirri Performance on Tuesday 23rd August, which is coming up quickly. I am really looking forward to seeing the performance, as I know a tremendous amount of work has gone into it from all of the students and staff involved. There are still many exciting events coming up this term such as Student Led Conferences, Foundation Zoo Excursion, Incursions, District Athletics and Footy Day.
On Friday the 2nd September from 2:30pm-3:15pm, we will be having a Father’s/Special Person afternoon. We would like to invite all Fathers/Special Person’s to come and visit their child/children’s class to enjoy a small treat and participate in activities with them.
At Somerville Primary School, we love providing as many opportunities as possible for families to come and celebrate these special occasions. I am sure all of the students are thoroughly looking forward to the afternoon, as I know we the staff are. We can’t wait to see you all there.
I have continued to be super impressed with the progress students have been making with their reading nights. A number of students will reach 50, 100, 150 and the magical 200 reading nights mark, this term. I encourage all students to try to get to 200 nights of reading so that they can be a part of our reading nights party later in the year.
There was no assembly last week due to the House Athletics Day. I can’t wait to see all of the Somerville Star Award winners at our next assembly.