Science News

Kristen Raine

This week we welcomed Grade 3/4 students from Boisdale Consolidated School to our Science labs for an incursion to complement their Science Unit. Students learnt about what scientists do in the lab and the many different places scientists might also work. They did two science experiments – milk swirls and making slime and then observed the elephant’s toothpaste reaction demonstrated by Riley Shefford.

In2Science eMentoring

This semester, we have 20 students from years 7 to 10 involved in the In2Science eMentoring program. This is the largest number of students we have had since beginning the program in 2016. Many of these students are meeting with their mentors during their science classes to discuss the areas of science that interest them. Sophie Cormack and Immy Fox (Year 7) are learning about deep sea marine creatures. Hamish Meddings (Year 8) and Jaxon Marshall (Year 7) are learning about the future of prostheses design.

Kristen Raine

Science Domain Leader