Cranbourne Campus News

Some startling Statistics

This week we have the Student Learning Conferences, and an opportunity to reflect upon what might be supporting chances for learning success, as well as to reflect upon what is working against the chance to maximise our learning potential. I am not one to pine the old days when the telephone was stuck to the wall and communication beyond the neighbourhood  required a stamp, however the 2021 data from the  Cyber Safety Project (below)  further endorses the reality that some young people are not maturely handling the device in their pockets and that this is impacting negatively on their ability to concentrate, focus and function in class, in the school yard and at home. The Digital Habits Survey 2021 analysed response from 3200 students across Australia and the data is telling…

  • 37% of young people are connected to technology for more than 4 hours a day outside of learning time
  • Nearly 66% of teenagers saw Social Media as a distraction to learning!
  • Over 50% felt Social Media distracted them from family
  • 65% of students are allowed to take their device into their bedroom overnight
  • 44% of students felt they needed to constantly check their smartphone or device
  • 40% said Social Media made them feel bad about themselves
  • 45% felt they compared their lives to others on Social Media

If we want to see more focused and well adjusted young people, as parents we must reign in our children’s use of technology and especially social media. In some cases this could be as simple as reestablishing the rules at home and saying ‘No!’

Catering by Food Fundamentals

In the week gone Ms Lang’s Food Fundamentals class at Year 10 completed a class task that required them to cater a morning tea for staff and it was delicious. As I walked up the stairs to the staff room the lunchroom was buzzing with the energy of a very happy teaching community who were enjoying the lovely fruit platters, muffins, slices and the like. The benchmark has now been set and staff are already organising their calendars to make sure they are available for the next assessment event!.

Thank you to those Year 10 students - future Masterchefs no doubt!

Graduation is on the horizon for our Year 12's

Our Year 12 students have been gearing up for their final tilt toward the end of their time at St. Peter's College. For some that will mean looking for work, others TAFE and a third group will be busily preparing for VCE exams. Each of our Year 12’s will be battling the tension between worry of what might lay ahead and the excitement of that next stage. To support the students through this 'right of passage' we have some wonderful Graduation events planned. Our Year 12 students and their families might take note of the following events

  • Thursday 13 October 
    • 11:11am - Student morning tea with teachers in the staff room
  • Monday 17 October
    • 9:15am - Final House Assemblies (Students only)
    • 10:10am - College Graduation (families welcome)
    • 12noon - Graduation BBQ (families welcome
    • 5:45pm - Thanksgiving Mass at St. Agatha's Church(families welcome)
    • 7pm - Valedictory at Cranbourne Turf Club

We wish our Senior Students all the very best as they look to use what they have taken from St. Peter's College to serve the local and global world as citizens who have learned to “Be not Afraid”. 

Student leadership positions

On Tuesday the Year 11 students who have put themselves forward as candidates for the Student Leadership Executive including College Captains, gave their speeches to the St. Peter's College student and staff community. Following a fantastic set of speeches from some very impressive young people, their student body then voted. This student vote is one of a series of steps that are in place to help the community to elect the team of eight young people who will be responsible for the culture and community development of the Cranbourne Campus in 2023. We wish each of them all the best during the process.


Jeremy Wright

Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus