Student Leader's Report

Hello Kismet community welcome to the week 9 newsletter!


We can’t believe that there’s only one more week of term 3 left! Over the past two weeks we’ve had a lot happen.


On the 31st of August we had our Father’s Day picnic where the students Dad’s came into the school grounds and ate lunch with their child, it was great to see lots of Dad’s and it turned out really well. That afternoon we had an assembly that lots of fathers attended, it was overall a great day.



Summer sport was held on Friday the 2nd of September. Basketball, volleyball and lawn bowls teams participated in the sporting event, unfortunately Cricket was cancelled and will be postponed until next term. The girls basketball team and both lawn bowls teams made it to the next level, everyone who participated did an amazing job! 



Division athletics was Tuesday the 6th of September, everyone who participated in the event did an incredible job. Some students made it to the next level which is outstanding! 


Thank you for reading!


From your School Captions,

Emily, Laneah, Genna and Olly.