Intermediate Futsal Round Robin

Brighton were crowned Division Champions in a busy day of 5 40 minute matches. The girls easily accounted for McKinnon A, Sandringham, Bentleigh A before lunch but were more challenged by the B sides as we gave all the players some valuable time on the pitch.

Our last game against Bentleigh’s B side was our best. They scored twice in the first half and the game was very very physical as some girls were re-acquainted with their primary school “friends”!!!


We put on Takara, Ava, Liv and Rory and this enabled us to score 4 goals to win 4-2.

Filia was a star as goalie and attracted the praise of Bentleigh’s coach for her “great hands”. Takara was amazing all day and special thanks to Emma, who couldn’t play due to injury but made some inspiring subs as assistant coach.

Paul Varney