Students of the Week
The following students will receive their certificates at assemblies on the following dates:
Friday 7th October
Will (Foundation) - For doing such an amazing job in his writing tasks, listening for each sound as he writes the words. Will I am so proud to see your writing efforts pay off.
Ryker (12A) - For constantly trying even when facing challenging tasks. You've made great progress in phonics and handwriting, and is using his new knowledge to solve literacy problems. Well done Ryker and keep it up.
Christopher (12B) - For always doing his personal best and being such an attentive listener! You have done such an amazing job starting back for the term, well done Christopher!
Noah (12C)- For striving for his personal best in our lessons. Great work on challenging yourself in maths and our work on probability. Noah keep up the amazing effort!
Whole Class (34A) - For making me feel welcomed and being the incredible kind and respectful students you are! Thank you for adapting so well to all the changes. You are all superstars!
Rudra S (34B) - For a great start to term 4. Rudra is Listening Attentively during instruction and joining in discussions with suggestions to questions posed. Rudra is trying hard to stay focused and complete more work as instructed. Keep up the great effort Rudra. Sitting at the front of the class really helps you!
Jackson P (34C) - For the outstanding effort that you put into all learning tasks. You are an amazing role model for others in the class and always demonstrate your personal best. Keep up the amazing work Jackson!
Abby H (56A) - For all the positive energy she brings into the classroom, her kind and thoughtful nature and her ability to keep me organised and laughing every day!
Harley C (56B) - For starting the term with a positive attitude. It is great to see you focused and trying your Personal Best. Great job, Harley!
Friday 14th October
Bodhi (Foundation) - For his brilliant writing and spelling attempts. Bodhi you are always doing your Personal Best and your work is growing every week. Well done!
Oberon (12A) - For being an active participant in group discussions and an attentive listener in sessions. Whenever he finishes his task early, he volunteers to help other students. Thank you for showing us what an active learning is like. We are proud of you.
Ben (12B) - For always having such interesting ideas to share with the class and having a go at all the learning we do in 1/2B! Great job Ben!
Emily (12C)- For showing outstanding effort in our writing lessons. Well done on working hard to form your letters correctly and using the correct letter sounds. Emily keep up the amazing effort!
Lillian H (34A) - For making a wonderful start to the term! You always have a smile on your face and approach all the learning tasks with a positive mindset. Great start. Keep it up!
Aimee C (34B) - For being so settled and trying her Personal Best with the tasks presented. Aimee is working cooperatively in a small group setting with support and applying her knowledge and understandings with enthusiasm. Aimee loves to share her achievements with her class teachers demonstrating pride in her work.
Evie G (34C) - For a fantastic start to Term 4. You are approaching your learning a growth mindset and bring a positive attitude to all that you do. Well done Evie!
Thomas S (56A) - For the thought and imagination he puts into his writing and the determination and strategies he uses in maths! Well done, Thomas
Alannah C (56B) - For putting in a wonderful effort to all of her work. It's been great to see you start your day focused and trying your Personal Best. Great work, Alannah!