School Council

A Message from the School Council President


I hope everyone enjoyed the school holidays!


A few quick updates from School Council 

  • Touch-A-Truck – our second-hand book sale will be at Knaith Road’s Touch a Truck this Sunday 9th October in East Ringwood from 10-3. Please let us know if you have a spare hour to assist with moving or selling books on either Saturday afternoon or during Sunday. Or just come along to see all the trucks for a fun family day out!!!
  • Working Bee – our first after-school working bee will take place next Tuesday 11th October from 3.30-5.00. Please check Compass for more updates. Free icy-poles for all who attend (big and little kids alike!!) 
  • Building and Grounds update – our sub-committee continues to work with the School Leadership team on various maintenance updates that are required. We have gratefully received a grant from the Victorian Schools Building Authority (Safe Trees Program) that will cover the pruning of 21 trees, plus an audit of the works required over the next 3 years. This then allows us to focus our other Victorian Schools Building Authority funds towards other required maintenance, which we hope will be underway this term. 
  • With the State Election due on 26th November, School Council and our Leadership team will continue to advocate to the Liberal and Labour candidates in our electorate to ensure the needs of the school are known. Please see the post on the MPS Community Facebook page from our School Council member Di Collis with a template of a letter that you may wish to send to them as well. 
  • School Strategic Review – the three focus days for the strategic review commence next week. There is an opportunity for parents to have input through the focus groups – please let Alec Baroni know if you would like to be part of this. 


As always, please feel free to contact myself or any members of the School Council should you have any questions. 


Kind regards,


Clare Arthurs

School Council President


Contact School Council

If you have any questions, concerns or items to raise with school council, please email  or