Principal's Report

Alec Baroni - Acting Principal

Can you believe we are already in Term 4?


I hope everyone had a restful and recharging term break and managed to get out into the sunshine. Throughout the final term for 2022 our MPS Camping Program goes into 'full swing' with the Foundation Camp Breakfast/Year 1 Pizza Evening/Year 2 Sleepover taking place next week (Please check the Compass event for further details). Later in the term the 5/6 students will head off to Waratah Beach Camp, and the 3/4 students will attend Camp Jungai in picturesque Rubicon. The camping program is an integral part of each child's schooling experience and we are extremely grateful to all of the staff and volunteers that enable these fantastic opportunities to occur.


Staff Update

This week we welcomed three new staff members to Marlborough Primary School. Hua Maley to 1/2A, Amelie Fraser to 1/2B and Lee Watson who will be taking over 3/4A for the remainder of the year as I fulfil the role of Acting Principal.  I have visited all of these classes throughout the week and it has been lovely to see all of the students settling into the routines of their new teacher. I am sure that the entire Marlborough Primary Community will make them feel welcome.


As mentioned in the Compass post by our Senior Educational Improvement Leader Kerrie Anderson, Neil Butler will begin to make his transition back to work as the term goes on. I will remain the Acting Principal during this time and will be supporting him as he returns to full-time work by the end of the year. We all look forward to welcoming Neil back onsite later in the term.


Student Pick-Up in the Afternoon

It has been wonderful to see a number of families taking advantage of the playgrounds and school facilities after school over the last few terms.  We do ask though that all students are closely and actively supervised by their parents once collected as the yard is only supervised by staff until 3:45 each afternoon.  It can also get very confusing for supervising staff to identify which children have their parents onsite and it is our duty to bring any unsupervised students to the office at 3:45. We do ask that if you are allowing your child to stay at school after 3:45, that you are out of your car and close to the area that they are playing.


Working Bee - Tuesday 11 October

The Buildings and Grounds sub-committee have planned a working bee for Tuesday afternoon, 3:30-5pm.  We would value any community members who are available to come along,  even to help out for 30 minutes would be appreciative.  A list of outside jobs we are hoping to achieve will be placed on Compass in the coming days.  


Lunchtime Clubs

Lunchtime clubs have started back up this week. Our 5/6 students who are facilitating these are doing a great job in organising and leading the activities.  Lunchtime clubs are displayed in each classroom.  You may like to talk to your child at home about attending.  


Lunch Time Clubs - Term 4, 2022 (2:05-2:40pm)


Club / Levels

Student Facilitator


MONDAYDance Zach, Abby, Jade & LillyELC
TUESDAYArt & Craft Remy, Tina, Charlotte & IsabelleArt 
WEDNESDAYComputers Amber & Lenka5/6 Building
Board Games / Cards  Oscar & Sam5/6 Building
THURSDAYDrama Summer, Ava, Tahlia & AmeliaELC
FRIDAYDrawing Benji, Kian & TylerScience
Library Liam & FinnLibrary

Student Dress Code / Hats

As the weather warms up, I would like to remind families that all students are expected to come to school in full school uniform each day. The Marlborough Primary uniform is something that all students should wear with pride as it develops a sense of belonging.

Please find the Student Dress Code Policy attached below for further information. Please also make sure that all items of clothing is clearly named in a visible place.

Families are also reminded that as a SunSmart school, throughout Term 4 all students are required to wear hats (School hats, not caps or beanies) outside during recess and lunchtime (as well as for outdoor classes such as PE).


If you have any questions, queries or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me by phone at the school or via email at


Have a fantastic week!


Alec Baroni

Acting Principal