Classroom News

This week in Prep, we finished off our Maths unit on 2D and 3D Shapes. We had so much fun identifying properties of shapes, and even going on a classroom hunt for shapes around us! We read 'The Great Shape Race' which the students loved, as they got to pick out all the shapes they knew throughout the story.
The students also got to experiment with making their own 3D shapes. It was fantastic to see so much creativity and imagination!
Year 1
In Year 1 we have been talking about Living things as a part of our Inquiry unit. The Year 1's have had some enjoyable hands-on learning time with our real-life chicks throughout this week. Alongside our Inquiry unit we have incorporated the chicks into other learning areas including reading and writing.
In the pictures below you will see the students using their literacy knowledge to write down all of the adjectives they could think of to describe our lovely chicks.