
Basic symptom relief for anxiety

There are lots of things you can try to help relieve your child’s anxiety.

1. Make sure they’re getting enough sleep and daily physical activity

Guidelines show children aged 5-17 years need between nine and 11 hours of sleep and at least an hour of exercise per day.

2. Ensure they’re eating well

Research shows links between some foods and mental health, so make sure your child has a variety of fresh vegetables, fruit, legumes, and protein every day.

3. Help your child connect with friends

Social connections are important for healthy child development, improving wellbeing and decreasing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Supporting your child to remain connected and engaged with peers is critical.

4. A slow, gradual return to the situations your child fears

Lockdowns may have made it hard for some children to return to the busy, bustling and potentially overwhelming environments such as school or a stimulating extracurricular activity. If a child is struggling, it helps to plan for gradual return at a slow, controlled rate.

Parents and carers are important people in kids’ lives, even when kids become teens. Being available to listen without judgement (and without trying to problem-solve) can help your child process their feelings and build trust in their own ability to cope.



Physical Activity 

This research examined the relationship between children’s 24-hour time use and their health-related quality of life. It finds that physical activity matters most to children’s quality of life across all age groups – more so than screen time and sleep.