Principal's Report
Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff
Assistant Principal - Matt Saunders
Principal's Report
Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff
Assistant Principal - Matt Saunders
To our amazing ETRS community,
It has been so exciting to return to school this week but we want to continue to act and think of our families / staff that remain in jeopardy and those that have faced the most extraordinary, devastating floods in many years. Please know that there are resources to access, people to help and this amazing community to support you. Simply let us know what it is we can help with; we care!
Please see below a list of resources that may be of benefit to you and your families as we navigate these uncertain and devastating times. Be safe everyone.
Please see further flood resources in our Wellbeing section.
Planning for 2023
This time of year, we begin to plan for the 2023 school year. If you have any requests related to your child's wellbeing, please email them to Please note we do not take individual requests for teachers.
We understand that at times families may move for a range of reasons. If you think you may not be attending ETRS next year, please email us as this will help support us with planning for 2023.
We welcome the following students and their families to Echuca Twin Rivers School this term: Aydin A.
Foundation 2023 Enrolments
All enrolment documents are available to download from our website. You may also contact the school and we can send the information to you via email or the post.
If you know of any families who are interested in enrolling, please ask them to contact the school. Thank you to our families who are getting the good word out in the community about our school, word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising and consequently, we are fielding an increased number of inquiries about our school.
Thank you to our students and the support of our families in ensuring our students are in full school uniform every day. Our students look great in our uniform, and it helps develop pride and a sense of belonging. Uniform spot checks will happen throughout the week.
Black pants and shorts are not part of our school uniform. As part of our uniform policy, all shorts and pants must be navy blue. Students arriving at school, who are not in uniform will be provided with the opportunity to wear school uniform and a phone call will be made home.
Students are also encouraged to wear black shoes. These shoes can be runners or black school shoes but they must be black.
Emergency Management
The extreme weather we are experiencing lately, has certainly imposed the emergency management procedures upon us. We appreciate the swift action of families when supporting us to keep the students, staff and our community safe. The offers of support and assistance to one another and others within the community has been heart warming to say the least. We are here to help you as much as we possibly can…please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you in this time of need.
Dates to remember –
Monday 31 October – Student Free Day (School's Out available)
Tuesday 1 November - Melbourne Cup Holiday
Wednesday 9 November – Curriculum Day (Student Free Day). School's Out available.
Thursday 10 November - Curriculum Day (Student Free Day). School's Out available.
State wide Transition Tuesday 13 December – Students will be in their 2023 classes.
School Wide Positive Behaviour
Respect, Inclusion, Resilience, Responsibility, (Academic Excellence)
Julie Hommelhoff Matt Saunders
Acting Principal Assistant Principal