Road Safety Around Schools

Safety First - Our Students

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been brought to my attention today that some children have still been trying to access the gate at the very back of the school grounds (Alban Street) despite the fact that access has been taken away as a result of our most recent car park upgrade. (Thank you to those parent helpers that have made this possible.)


The safety of our children is paramount! Under no circumstances are children to be walking through the staff car park at any time. Access into the school from Alban Street is via the gate that leads to the path parallel to the main classroom building (and is approximately 40 metres on from the gate that is now permanently closed).


It is in fact Winter, so there may be rain of a morning or afternoon. Please send your child in a rain coat or with an umbrella and an understanding that walking a short distance to or from their classroom in the rain is not going to rate on the catastrophe scale.


A reminder that it not safe or appropriate to “drop” children off without safely parking first. Recently, parking officers have been handing out fines for exactly this so please refer to the information in the last newsletter that was provided by the council.


Under no circumstances are parents to park in the staff car park, unless there has been previous consent given by me.


Thank you for your support as we endeavour to keep our children safe.

Please refer to the attached map for further information in regards to where students can safely enter the school grounds.


Enjoy your day.


Road Safety

Road Rules Signage