Students of the week

Term 3 -Week 3

Sadie N (FA) - For the amazing reading and writing you have been doing. It has been so lovely watching your confidence grow. You have an amazing attitude and approach to your learning. This making you an excellent role model for your peers. Foundation A are so lucky to have a friend in you. You are amazing and very funny too!!

Amelie S (FB) - For the fantastic reading you have been doing. It is so wonderful to see you using the reading strategies we have been learning in class. You are also an excellent role model to your peers. Foundation B are lucky to have a star like you!

Alice PM (FC) - You are a considerate classmate who has the ability to really listen when someone is talking. Whether it be a teacher or a peer, you always listen carefully. You are so friendly and put smiles on peoples faces daily! How lucky are we to have you in our class!

Emmerson S (12A) - For always being on task in all that you do, you consistently do your best and are a pleasure to teach. You are kind and caring towards the Grade 1 students on your table, helping out whenever needed. Keep up the Great Work!

Piper B (12B) - Piper has been a wonderful team leader during learning activities. Piper clearly demonstrates the values of learning, respect and friendship by always supporting and encouraging the ideas of others while modelling excellent cooperation. Piper also reminds her classmates of expected behaviour. Amazing work Piper!

Harry J (12C) - Congratulations Harry on expanding your friendship circle in the classroom. You have lots of people that care about you and it is wonderful to see you become more social and work with others in such a kind and caring way.

Noah KB (12D) - For being a hard-working, focused member of our classroom. You model appropriate classroom behaviours and always challenge yourself during work tasks. We love having a respectful friend like you in 1/2D. Keep up the awesome work, Noah!

Fynn W (12E) - Fynn comes to school everyday with a positive attitude and bright smile. He is an enthusiastic learner who confidently shares his knowledge and ideas with the class. Keep up the great work Fynn!

Mayra P (34A) - Your constant kind and caring nature towards others is a credit to you! You never hesitate to include others and to offer your assistance when your peers need help with their work or other tasks. What a great quality to have Mayra! Well done!! 

Lilly H (34B) - Lilly completes every task she is given to an exemplary standard. She does this by constantly focusing on how to improve and how to take the next step in her learning. Her willingness to share and discuss ideas with her peers demonstrates a high level of respect to all within the classroom.

Lily O (34C) - Lily has made a great start to Term 3! She has been working really hard to remain focused during class time and has completed some amazing work this week. Well done on some fantastic reading too, Lily! Keep up the great work!

Katie H (34D) - Katie consistently works hard in all areas of her learning, especially writing. She focuses on her writing goals and reflects on her big writes to plan for further improvement. Super effort! 

Angus O (56A) - Angus regularly contributes is ideas (usually sprinkled with a sense of humour) during class discussions. He has written some great pieces of writing lately, and we have particularly enjoyed his poetry. Well done Angus!

Mia C (56B) - Miya consistently demonstrates the value of respect. She is a compassionate and open member of our 56B learning community who approaches all tasks with flair and a smile. Miya is a TOTAL LEGEND and a great person to be around! Keep it up!

Term 3 -Week 4

Amelie S (FA) - For your beautiful manners and kind heart. You are always so thoughtful and caring towards your peers and teachers. You are concentious and motivated in all learning tasks and are always committed to doing your best. It is lovely to see you achieveing so many of your learning goals. Your skill and coordination during our weekly PMP sessions has been amazing! You rock Amelie!

Samara K (FB) - For the outstanding reading and writing you have been doing. You have a fantastic attitude to your learning, making you an excellent role model for your peers. You are a star that shines very brightly in Foundation B!

Jaxon S (FC) - For being an outstanding student, who takes so much pride in their work, no matter the topic. You are going to achieve great things at Monty with your attitude to learning!

Maya D (1/2A) - For being a great friend to others, it is lovely to see you involving those within your group in all that you do. You are also a ‘Book Worm Reader’ your fluency and understanding of what you read is excellent! Well Done.

Ada M (1/2B) - Ada has shown the school values of learning, respect and friendship by turning her passion for our environment into the opportunity to help lead a lunch time sustainability club to help keep our environment healthy. Ada has worked as a team player in getting others to help with this great cause. Amazing work Ada!

Ethan M (1/2B) - Ethan has shown the school values of learning, respect and friendship by turning his passion for our environment into the opportunity to start a lunch time sustainability club to help keep our environment healthy. Ethan has worked as a team player in getting others to help with this great cause. Amazing work Ethan!

Isla G (1/2C) -For being a wonderful, positive member of our classroom. You always do the right thing and show kindness to your classmates. You always work diligently, doing your best work in every task. Well done, Isla!

Charlie M (1/2D) - For being a bubbly bundle of joy everyday! Your cheery nature makes us all feel happy and you are such a loyal friend to all. You are respectful to your peers and teachers, and a delight to have in 1/2D. Keep up the awesome work, Charlie!

Mia B (1/2E) - Mia consistently demonstrates all of the school values and has become a wonderful role model in 1/2E! She challenges herself in her learning and confidently shares her knowledge and ideas. Mia is always respectful and kind to everyone around her. Keep up the amazing work Mia! You’re a star!

Megan M (3/4A) - Megan you come to school every day with a smile on your face, always willing to give everything a red hot go, respecting others and being a great friend to your peers. You are an all round superstar, keep it up!!

Zoe K (3/4B) - Zoe works very hard on being very understanding to all members of the school, not just her own class.  She tries to put herself in other people's shoes and understand how they might be feeling and then with her bright and chirpy nature tries to turn frowns upside down wherever she goes.  You are a superstar Zoe and a welcome smiley face in our classroom.

Arlen B (3/4C) - Arlen greets each day with a bright smile and a willingness to learn. She is a great friend to all her peers and is always inclusive of others. Arlen approaches new tasks with enthusiasm and takes pride in the work she produces. Keep up the great work, Arlen!

Rachael B (3/4D) - Rachael is a master of Monty's four school values! She consistently tries her best, supports her peers and is always an enthusiastic and motivated learner! Keep up the super work!

Mason S (5/6A) - For all four values. You are such a kind, caring and respectful student. You have been really challenging yourself lately and it's paying off! Mason, you have so much to offer and I absolutely love reading your stories.

Tex A (5/6B) - Tex consistently demonstrates our school values of FRIENDSHIP and RESPECT. He always approaches school life with a smile and a thoughtful perspective. Tex is open and kind, and these qualities make him such an EPIC member or our Monty Learning community. STAY AWESOME BUDDY!