Scotsburn News

Scotsburn News

Welcome Back

The staff at Scotsburn would like to welcome back all of our families and extend a big welcome to our new families. We hope that you all had a wonderful break and enjoyed the improving weather. We would also like to thank the Klein family for looking after Pip and the many families who dropped in to feed the chooks over the break. It is greatly appreciated.



Please keep an eye out for the weekly newsletter. The Scotsburn section will have important dates and information regularly on it. Please make sure you have a read each week.



Don’t forget to use your personal login details to access compass. Notifications and updates will continue in this space now that the school app has been phased out.


Arrival Times

8:45am is an ideal time to arrive at school, as the classrooms and playground are not supervised until then. All children should be ready to start the day at 9am. If your child is absent on any given day, please ensure that you contact the Buninyong Primary School office to inform them.


Sun Smart

This term hats are compulsory outside at recess and lunch play. It is highly recommended that students also apply sunscreen to their face/ arms and legs to prevent any sunburn. Please also ensure that your child/children have their hat named.                               


Gr 6 Camp

The Grade 6’s are off to camp at Melbourne this week . It’s sure to be lots of fun. A reminder for all Gr 6 students that the bus will be leaving from the Buninyong campus at 8.30am.


Pre-Schooler Program

The first of 4 pre-schooler days will commence this Wednesday. This is always an exciting time for our new preps. As always, we encourage you to make the new preps and their families very welcome if you see them during these times.


Winning and losing

With the warmer weather approaching, we generally see more of the students involving themselves in games at recess and lunch. This is great to see as regular exercise is wonderful for us all. We have noticed that some students find participating in a organised games a little tricky though. It would be great if all parents could take the time to talk through the following link with their children. Many thanks.


Friday Rotations

Our first rotation for Term 4 will be on the (12th October). Our groups will be doing the following:

Term 3 - Lunch Order Roster

Lunch orders need to be collected from the Buninyong campus at 12.40pm. Please ensure you organise a swap if necessary so that the students don’t go hungry!


Term 3 - Important Dates & Extra-Curricular Events

9th Oct - Gr 4-6 Earth Ed Excursion

10th, 17th, 24th Oct & 31st Oct - Pre-schooler program for 2019 Preps

10th-12th Oct - Gr 6 Camp

8-12 October - Book Fair

18th Oct - Grade P-2 Sports

23rd Oct - Scotsburn Community Meeting 9am

31st Oct - Gr 4-6 EarthEd Incursion

6th Nov - Life Ed Van

7th Nov - Grade P-2 Sleepover

8th Nov - Grandparents and Special Friends Day

9th Nov - Ballarat Show

30th Nov - Reports Sent Home

3rd – 7th Dec - P-6 Swimming program

6th Dec - Parent teacher (1pm finish for students)

11th Dec - Orientation Day for 2019 Preps

12th Dec - Parent teacher (4pm-6pm)

14th Dec - Scotsburn Shared Xmas Lunch

18th Dec (6pm) - Scotsburn Christmas Breakup

20th Dec - Scotsburn (Fed Uni Pool) Break up