Senior School Report

Message from the

Director of Learning

- Mr. Jonathan Roberts

Well done to all the year 11 students for having their subject selections done online, turning up to their interview on time and having a good understanding of what their options maybe for pathways once they have completed their senior school. It was great to see so many organised and on top of this!


We have also had great feedback from the providers of the Biology and Chemistry excursions that have been completed over the last 2 weeks. Well done to those students who represented Westall with great pride. All the best with the assessment task attached to the visit.


Parents please be aware that the Year 12 parent VTAC information session has been postponed. We now encourage parents to watch the VTAC webinar by clicking the link below and using the access password provided.



Parents who feel they need extra support with VTAC or SEAS applications are encouraged to email Jonathan Roberts, Senior School Director of Learning at An information night can be arranged for September 2nd if there is a need.



For students there will be a VTAC and SEAS session run by Monash University on August 28th during period 3. In the meantime please create your account and start navigating your way through the website. Also a practice exams and revision classes plan is being worked on at the minute and will be released over the coming weeks. We are mindful of the workload for the year 12’s so we will be aiming to keep the second week of holidays free so that everyone has a chance to recharge their batteries for what will be a big last few weeks leading into exams.


Mr. Jonathan Roberts

Attention Parents and Guardians of 

Years 10, 11 and 12

What is VET in the VCE?

VET stands for Vocational Education and Training, and vocation refers to work or employment.  VET in the VCE programs are designed to give students an exposure to practical skills and an understanding of what it is like to ‘learn through doing’.  So, students can opt to do a VET subject while completing their VCE and, in most cases, the VET qualification contributes towards the VCE and the ATAR.  


Visit VET in the VCE:


Undertaking VCE/VET studies at/outside Westall Secondary College (WSC)

Normally, a Year 11 student will enrol in 5 studies at WSC if a VCE/VET study is being undertaken outside the school. 6 subjects at school may be allowed in the case of a student with an outstanding academic record in Year 10.


Students selecting a VET study need to be clear as to their reasons for choosing the VET and must understand what is involved. External VET studies usually run on a Wednesday at a TAFE, and students are required to make their own way to the provider. VET attendance requirement is 100%. The cost of doing a VET study depends on the course, which can be a few thousands of dollars. Students must pay the material fees, usually around $300; tuition fees are paid by the school. It is the student's responsibility to catch up on any work missed while at VET.

Some VET studies are scored, which means that it is similar to a 5th or 6th VCE subject, and will contribute 10% towards the ATAR.


VCAL students must select a VET subject as part of their course.


VET Hospitality has been offered at the school over the last few years, and will most likely, continue in 2020.


SBAT Parks and Gardens is a one-year Traineeship certificate that was offered at the school this year and the take-up was very good. This is available for 16 students once again for 2020;

  • students must be 15 years old and permanent residents at the start of 2020 to enrol.
  • Trainees will complete 6 hours of training and 7 hours of paid employment per week, over 32 weeks. 

VET Sport and Recreation – if sufficient numbers select the subject, it will run at WSC, if not, students will have to travel to Chisholm in Berwick or Holmesglen in Moorabbin or Glen Waverley Campus.


The deadline for the submission of VET forms is Friday, 30th August, but, in order for you to enrol successfully, please ensure you get your forms to Ms. Geraldine Borgonha in the Careers Office as soon as possible. Thank you to those parents and students who have submitted their VET forms. 


Geraldine Borgonha

Careers & Pathways Advisor