Charity Fundraising

by Year 9 Commerce

The Cookie Man

Our class business was ‘The Cookie Man.’ We sold choc chip cookies and rainbow cookies. We sold our cookies to the girl boarders for supper at $1 each on the 20th of August. We sold 232 cookies overall. The members of our business are Bella Scammell and Bailee Davis who were in charge of production, Ollie McLaughlin and Taylah Caro who were in charge of Finance and Jessica Clowes who was in charge of Marketing. We made $135 profit after paying back our shareholders, and we will be donating the profit to the Salvation Army.

Year 9 Commerce: Mr BJ's Ice Cream


Our class business was Mr BJ’s Ice Cream. We sold chocolate and vanilla ice cream with toppings of ice magic and sprinkles. We sold on the 7th of September and plan to sell on 21st again. The members of our group are Brad O’Brien - Head of Production, Max Bylsma - CEO, Ryan Rutherford - Head of Marketing, Jin Luechai - Head of Finance. We made $70 profit from first selling and hope to make more to donate to Cam Kids and Drought Week Foundation.

Craving Crepes

Craving Crepes is a Year 9 Commerce business that is run by Josie Mitchell (Head of Production), Sophia Bird (Head of Marketing) and Bethany Bell (Head of Finance). They aimed to achieve a profit to donate to the Glenn McGrath foundation. They had two selling dates during their time as a business and successfully raised just over one hundred dollars to donate. This was a good practice experience for their future in the commerce area.