SLA News

Change and Transformation
To start off Term 2, SLA had an exciting incursion with ‘Mini Vinnies’. Mini Vinnies is an orgranisation that empowers students to become advocates within their school and local community. So that is exactly what we are planning to do. We have started by looking at the Mini Vinnies strategy of "See, Think, Do, Reflect". What needs do we see in our local community and what do we think we can do to help? Through these ideas we have investigated what other important figures have made a difference in our society. For example, Peter Norman and St Mother Teresa of Calcutta. We are also exploring 'The Declaration of Human Rights' and what "Human Rights" really means. At home, have a discussion about what Human Rights means to you.
Numeracy: Measurement
In Maths, we have been focusing on Volume and Capacity. They have been creating their own rectangular prisms by using cubic units and investigating what the volume of those shapes are, as well as exploring the capacity of different containers and using our conversion skills to convert from mL to L. Students have explored real-life scenarios where volume and capacity play a significant role. They have learned how these concepts are relevant in daily activities such as cooking, pouring drinks and packing boxes. This connection to everyday life has sparked their curiosity and motivated them to apply their knowledge outside the classroom.