The Edit

Facilitator Peggy Jasperson & Cupsie the puppy!
Facilitator Peggy Jasperson & Cupsie the puppy!

Welcome back for Term 2.  Brace yourself - this issue has a ton of student news and photos to browse.  We have the results in from the Athletics and cross-country (including 5 new records!!).  Participating students and our age champions should feel very proud - it was a great day.


Last week our staff welcomed facilitators Peggy and Maya who ran a full day session on emotional preparedness, which is mentioned in our Principal's Report.  

"We cannot solve our problems 
with the same thinking we used to create them"

Albert Einstein


In our Class News page we have photos from 2 excursions this term - to Melbourne to the National Gallery of Victoria with our Arts/Media students and to Mount Buffalo with our outdoor ed students.  


In our Student News we have included the moving Anzac Day speech that School Captains Ellie and Callum gave last Tuesday at the service.  


We also have news from Italy from Year 11 student Harri Silvester in our Student Exchange page.  


This Thursday we are fortunate to be able to run study skills and time management sessions for students in Year 7, 8 and 9 - read about it in our Careers Page.


Alex with her new baby sister!
Alex with her new baby sister!

And lastly, but most importantly we offer a huge congratulations to staff member Hannah Little on the birth of a beautiful baby girl, Emelia Lila Pulleine (Emmi/Millie for short) who was born on the 13th of April.


Enjoy the read and the start to Term 2!