From the Deputy Principal 

Make Your Mum Smile Bigger Than The Mountains! 


Dear Parents and carers,

Firstly let me wish all mothers, grandmothers, and mother figures a happy day this Sunday. May those little rays of sunshine – your children – bring you great joy for the day, and for every other day of the year too! May you be suitably pampered by your children ( and hubby) – even if it does mean eating cold, burnt toast for breakie! 


This Sunday we celebrate Mother’s Day. A special day to highlight the central roles our Mothers play in our lives. We also celebrate all the other women in our lives such as grandmothers, aunts, cousins, teachers and special friends who have helped to shape and form us into the person we are today.


Here at school we continue to reinforce the idea that mothers are very special people - that they DO a lot for us, but even more importantly, they just LOVE us unconditionally


We have a couple of things happening for our wonderful mums this week, in the lead up to Mother’s Day. On Thursday, we have our much loved PA Mother’s Day stall, where students are able to purchase gifts for mums. I would like to especially thank our Parents Association for purchasing and organising the gifts for the Mother’s Day Stall which will be held on Thursday in the Atrium. Thank you to all the volunteers who have put their names down to help out on the day. I have no doubt that the students will love shopping for their mum and choosing that special gift. (Plus, there is Mathematics involved!) If there are any dads who are free and able to help out with the stall, this would be very much appreciated.



We pray to our Mother Mary to bless all the mothers of St Simon the Apostle community. May Mother Mary bless you all, inspiring and energising you by her gentle example of love and perseverance. May she guide you each day as you care and guide your child/ren to grow and flourish. Below is a prayer you may like to pray together with your family on Mother’s Day.


Dear Lord,


We pray for young mothers, who give life and count toes and tend to our every need; may they be blessed with patience and tenderness to care for their families and themselves with great joy.


We pray for our own mothers who have nurtured and cared for us; may they continue to guide us in strong and gentle ways.


We remember mothers who are separated from their children because of war, poverty or conflict; may they feel the loving embrace of our God who wipes away every tear.

We pray for women who are not mothers but still love and shape us with motherly care and compassion.


We remember mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers who are no longer with us but who live forever etched in our memory, with love.



On behalf of all the staff at St Simon’s, we wish our mums the best!  And remember that not all heroes wear capes!




Warm regards 


Monica Rayner 

Deputy Principal

Teaching and Learning Leader 

Maths leader 



Upcoming Events

Inform and Empower Parent Session

Wednesday 10th May at 7PM - a must for all families. 


Register Now for this important and vital information session about your children's well-being and safety in the digital world.


As you know all our children in some shape or form have a connection with our current digital world whether watching or using digital technology.  This is a great opportunity for you as parents and carers to hear from two very experienced presenters about the impact our ever-changing digital world has on our children’s wellbeing and safety.

It would be amazing if we could get a representative from every family of the school in attendance on the night for such an important topic which affects all of us.




Every family who attends this session will be given one raffle ticket which will be entered into a draw to have a chance of winning an Apple iPad 9th Generation. The raffle will be drawn on the night, and the winner must be in attendance on the night to receive their prize.


To assist families to attend, we are offering a supervised kids' movie session in an adjacent classroom at the same time as the Parent Information session.  St Simon's staff will run this movie session and is only available for primary aged students (No pre-schoolers, toddlers or babies please).


Looking forward to seeing all of you there for an amazing night!!!.


How to register for this amazing session?

Step One: Register for the Session by clicking here

Step Two: If you would like to use the primary-aged movie session as a way to allow you to attend, please click here to register. 

Step Three: Arrive at the session on Wednesday 10th May 7pm to get your chance to win an iPad!


School Tours 

Next week, on Monday the 15th of May, we have our second Prep Parent Information session for the year. The School Leadership Team has the pleasure of showcasing and sharing all the wonderful things that we do at St Simon’s. With more school tours booked for this week, we anticipate our enrollment numbers will continue to grow. Please keep spreading the good news about St Simon's! Even better, feel free to leave a positive review about our school on Google.